God's Eyes by Martha ReichLyrics:
I see history repeating itself and I hear the people crying for help - I’ve witnessed what weapons of hate and ignorance can do - I feel the thunder and the lightning striking us in two
I h…DiscussionGod's Eyes by Martha Reich2 LikesPhotographer Mihaela Noroc and The Atlas of…We have already published many photos of Mihaela here on the site. So I also want to share her message to us with all of you.
That’s me and my daughter Natalia. In her first two years of life, be…DiscussionPhotographer Mihaela Noroc and The Atlas of…1 Like
January 2022
I am now 86 years old.
BlogI am now 86 years old.3 Likesdrop
my very favourite subject is seen in most forms and colours but a drop of rain tells the story succinctly.. just one drop.
So far into the great ocean, with the sun blazing down, the water evapora…Discussiondrop8 LikesVisionary's AlmanacJohn Lennon by Stephen AlcornDiscussionVisionary's Almanac4 Likes
December 2021
THE YULE GNOMES OF LENNART HELJE“Aha!” thought I. “A great topic for a blog post. I’ll research this Lennart Helje, and share his extraordinary work for a dose of holiday cheer.”
Well, friends, I can gladly share his incredible ar…DiscussionTHE YULE GNOMES OF LENNART HELJE3 Likes
November 2021
Covid Chorale ( Original )videoCovid Chorale ( Original )4 Likes
October 2021
Poem in Autumn"Herbstblatt" - Egon Schiele
Poem in Autumn
Now over everything the autumn light is thrown And every line is sharp and every leaf is clear, Now without density or weight, the airy sun Sits in the…DiscussionPoem in Autumn3 LikesA Mesmerizing Dance Performance for the Paralympics Hand Off Ceremony Choreographed by Sadeck Waff
As part of a…
BlogA Mesmerizing Dance Performance for the Paralympics Hand Off Ceremony Choreographed by Sadeck Waff1 Likequotes
i came across these quotes from Carl Jung that i thought you may like to see..
.Carl Jung's Quotes that tell a lot about ourselves | One of the Most Brilliant Minds of All Time - YouTube
.Discussionquotes5 LikesRepose in the Self — Majesty of Self (Ashta…I share this Mooji Meditation-Video here because of the 'Repose in the Self' text he reads after 23:37 minutes. For me it's a good reminder to stay centered and to remember who we really are.
With…DiscussionRepose in the Self — Majesty of Self (Ashta…2 LikesGift of Nature - My performance art...Gift of nature, seen with Arseniy's artistic eye...
Gipsy House
My performance art
"Firewood on the grass"
Forest creek
Gift of nature
October flowers
Take five
(Le temps est comp…DiscussionGift of Nature - My performance art4 LikesStop HereLesson 292: Stop Here
You have arrived at the dungeons of the heart; stop here.
You have seen the moon and lived; stop here.
You have dragged your rags everywhere; stop here.
You have heard so…PageStop Here2 LikesTransforming Anger to LightInspirations
Transforming Anger to Light
Today's Inspiration
When we have anger that is lingering, we can give it to the earth to transmute and give a new purpose.
As humans, we all have anger,…DiscussionTransforming Anger to Light2 Likes
September 2021
Might be me - acrylicsphotoMight be me - acrylics2 LikesFairy with lamp - oilphotoFairy with lamp - oil2 LikesMila's heart #1 - drawingphotoMila's heart #1 - drawing3 LikesCarl Gustav JungGroupCarl Gustav Jung7 Likes
July 2021
Honoring Our ChildrenInspirations
Honoring Our Children
Today's Inspiration
Our words and our actions are absorbed by our children, regardless of their age.
Everything we do and say in the presence of our children…DiscussionHonoring Our Children5 LikesMore Kindness AlwaysInspirations
More Kindness Always
Today's Inspiration
Being fully present in each moment of your life facilitates kindness, as it increases your awareness of the people around you.
In the quest…DiscussionMore Kindness Always2 Likes
March 2021
if i adore you
if i adore You out of fear of hell,
burn me in hell
if i adore You out of desire for paradise
lock me out of paradise
but if i adore You for Yourself alone,
do not deny me Your eternal beauty.…Discussionif i adore you3 Likes