Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

Anna-trix's Comments

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At 1:13pm on December 20, 2024, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

At 7:45pm on December 21, 2022, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

At 5:20pm on December 21, 2020, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

At 10:11pm on December 21, 2018, MARGARIDA MARIA MADRUGA said…

At 1:23am on January 5, 2016, Mody Ibrahem said…

At 12:14pm on December 20, 2012, Béatrice LATEUR LACROIX said…

Happy birthday dear Anna-trix !

May this year which will begin for you tomorrow offers you even more than you hope and imagine.

Love and Peace for all Beings.

At 4:53pm on July 24, 2012, omar khayam said…

hello Anna-Trix,

the pleasure is to me to have you as friend,and another pleasure to meet a new friend of peace,of course,we can drink tee in Lausanne,

At 8:28pm on December 21, 2011, Eva Libre said…

Wish you a very happy birthday !


Best wishes,


At 5:01pm on December 20, 2011, Béatrice LATEUR LACROIX gave anna-trix a gift
At 1:45pm on June 5, 2011, Dr. Ravindra Kumar said…
Dear Anna,

Thanks for your kind message!

Further if you are on the face book, you may kindly add me as a friend there so that we may be able to come more closure for the academic purpose by this way too!

For, please send a face book friend desire/request at my mail id:

Hope, this finds you well!

Best wishes and regards from,

Ravindra Kumar

Dr. Ravindra Kumar (Awarded Padma Shri)
Former Vice Chancellor, Meerut University;
Hon. Patron, Stallion College of Engineering & Technology;
Secretary-General, World Peace Movement Trust;
Editor, Global Peace International Journal

23-B, Lane: 2, Mansarovar
Civil Lines, MEERUT-250001 (U.P.)

Phones: 0091-121-2645551 & 4010831
Mobile: 0091-9319090160
At 5:12pm on May 1, 2011, tim max said…
wonderful  picutures ,  kiss  to  your  friend   too
At 5:10pm on May 1, 2011, tim max said…
thanks   anna  ,you  are  very  kind  ,  kisses  for  you 
At 5:53pm on December 21, 2010, Eva Libre said…


♦ At the centre of your being you have the answer;

you know who you are and you know what you want.♦


May your 'here & now' be full of all that which you desire and seek...

and may 'peace & wonder' be your constant companion.

Happy Birthday Anna ! :)


At 9:51pm on September 26, 2010, John Aaron said…
Thank you for your enthusiasm for CHALK4PEACE. We hope you will join us sometime. All organizers and professional artists are volunteers...or, as we say, CHALKSTARS! Thanks again!
At 9:00pm on September 5, 2010, Eva Libre said…
Schön einmal etwas von dir zu lesen Anna.
Lange Zeit hatte ich das Gefühl Du lehnst meine Freundschaft ab.

Nein, ich bin in der Schweiz, und seit Monaten im Umbaustress. Unsere Wohnungen werden modernisiert. Es ist das absolute Chaos.

10 Tage Hotel, dann 3 Monate in einer fremden leeren Wohnung. Matratze auf dem Boden.... ect.

Seit einer Woche bin ich nun wieder in meinen eigenen 4 Wänden. Aber der Baustress
hat noch kein Ende.
Ich bin nur am Möbel rücken und putzen, stöhn.

Aber nun zu dir!
Vielleicht schaffst Du ja noch den Sprung in einen Flieger?
Ferien und Abstand bewirken Wunder!!!

Liebe Grüsse zu dir nach Uri vom Genfer See,
At 9:53am on June 12, 2010, rose said…
Greetings Anna and thank you so much for the friendship.

At 8:04pm on June 11, 2010, Eva Libre said…

Enjoy your weekend Anna!

At 8:11pm on May 18, 2010, Eva Libre said…

“Giving love to all, feeling the love of God, seeing His presence in everyone . . . .
that is the way to live in this world.”

- Parahamansa Yogananda

At 3:19pm on April 2, 2010, Eva Libre said…

Easter means crossing

Today is a different day,

A day to feel the light soul

To remember that life is renewed

Much Love and Peace

Happy Easter Day

Big hug in Light


At 9:10pm on March 20, 2010, Eva Libre said…

Thank you for BEING PEACE!

Quote of the moment:


* * *

Connect With Us!

We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.

Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Pray for Peace

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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