Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers


Ritual Moon

As our ancestors once did, we can honor the cycles of the moon with rituals that help connect us to a more natural life.

The moon waxes and wanes in the night sky, always following the same cyclical pattern, lighting the darkness with its luminous glow. It has been this way as long as the Earth has been here. The same moon grew from dark to light and back again, catching the eyes of our grandparents, our great grandparents, and those at the beginning of humanity. The moon guided our ancestors in the planting, sowing, and reaping of their crops, and we can be inspired to observe and honor these same cycles today with simple rituals that help connect us to the natural ebb and flow of life energy.

Dark moons and new moons represent polar moments. When the moon is dark, we might take time to meditate on that emptiness. Think of the bare, fertile ground before seeds take root. We can journal, exploring and writing down new plans and ideas that present themselves and keep them in a moon journal. Looking back over a year of dark moons, you may be amazed to see which seeds have blossomed. While full moons symbolize completion and fulfillment, the realization of the seed, and they are times of celebration. They are a great time to gather friends and family to partake in a communal feast acknowledging the apex of another monthly cycle. Your full moon journal might track the full moons of an entire year with a recounting of the gathering — the menu, the guest list, and any other observations you feel inspired to make.

Honoring the dark and full moons with these simple rituals brings our year into a new kind of focus. As we acknowledge the flow of the moon’s cycles, we become more comfortable with the changing nature of our earthly lives, making our peace with each phase and with the shifting from emptiness to fullness and back again. We strengthen our connection to the universe in which we live and find peace in both emptiness and fullness, each of which are natural and necessary — two sides of the same moon.

by Madisyn Taylor

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Hi Eva Thank you for Sharing this most interesting post 

We are hoping to see a beautiful hunters moon tonight here in the UK it is a bit cloudy but a clearer patch of sky is a lovely pink orange colour so remain hopeful lol


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Shannon Wamsley

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Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

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