Peace for the Soul

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In Israel, the total preoccupation with wars and occupation has lead to terrible environmental degradation.



...The land once known as Palestine began suffering detrimental and irrevocable changes in the early 1950s when Israel's fledgling government drained the wetlands surrounding Lake Huleh, north of the Sea of Galilee, for a housing project. Once the lake was dry, the Palestinian Painted Frog that inhabited the wetlands became extinct. The last reported sighting of the small amphibian was in 1955. Today, many other species are facing extinction due to Israel's gross disregard for the environment.


Israeli fish farming is killing off coral reefs in the Red Sea, threatening unique species of fish and other marine life. According to coral ecologist Dr. Yossi Loya, five million fish are bred in cages each year without permits, a $20 million per year industry protected by the Israeli agriculture lobby. Coral reefs in Aqaba and along the Sinai Peninsula continue to thrive, as Jordan and Egypt do not permit large scale fishing off the Red Sea coast.


Meanwhile, Israeli corporate greed is threatening another natural wonder, the Dead Sea. At a 2009 regional conference to address the dramatic decrease in Dead Sea water levels, it was determined that industrial development would need to be abated. Israeli company ICL Fertilizers/ Dead Sea Works responded by increasing potash production in their Dead Sea facility by 30 percent.


In 1999, Israel's gross abuse of natural resources led a group of concerned citizens to form Zalul, a watchdog organization that monitors the effects of industrial dumping. According to the group, 500 million tons of raw sewage are discharged into the Mediterranean Sea annually, mere miles from public beaches. Israel's Ministry of the Environment issues licenses to the culpable corporations, effectively granting permission to dispose of waste in such a manner...



To read the entire article look here:


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I like to more about this. It 's interesting , I allready suspected this somehow, but this is actually prove.
But what can we do about it. I hope we find ways.

Love and Peace,

It is very sad and regrettable. But where on the planet today, the environment is not destroyed?
We are all accomplices.


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