A common space for harmonic peacemakers
Swiss banks stand acused of colaborating with the Nazis. But it wasn’t just Swiss bankers who dealt with Hitler’s Reich. New evidence shows that many who financed him came uncomfortably closer to home.
While what most of this clip from You Tube indicates is true I wish to note that this is either a highly altered (mashed) version or it is ridiculously amateur because it does not identify the people who have cameos in the film. The technology is available to do this. It is absurd in an International audience that the viewer is expected to know everyone who appears on the film. It starts out as a basic defense of the Swiss as not being alone in their continued dealings with the Nazis.
The truth is that much of the wealth held in the world today was acquired in less than honest ways. I believe I am not alone in understanding that big money knows and respects no borders and works where it wants to despite any governments. Check out with any International news organization and you will see that bribery is up all over the world. As long as there are people who pay the bribes they will continue.
It is very hard to do anything about exploitation when the people living in these countries still believe in witch doctors and myths about "nobility" which has no real basis. The whole lie of nobility is who managed to land a militia on a piece of land and convince the people doing the real work like farming that they were getting protection in exchange for their taxes. Taxes continued to grow as the "nobility" lived high on the hog and the military "knights" became the middle class getting great benefits by protecting the noble status quo.
No matter how far you go back in history, the royal ruling classes put their children in charge when they dies or were close to dying and it worked because they were basically the only ones that had proper nutrition and education to understand any form of leadership and because as the status quo they were protected by many people content to live beholding to them.
You left out IBM. It should also be noted that many of the scientists who helped make post WWII America so successful came from Germany. While I doubt they were huge fans of Hitler I have no doubt that they had been working for his government. It is hard to this day to know who was aware of the killing of the Jews and other "undesirable" people because when they were rounded up the Germans were told they were going to camps. I really do not know what lies Hitler may have told the Germans to accomplish this unless there was an existing hatred of the Jews at the time.
As long as we are looking at who helped who...take a look at the Vatican. They are in Italy and I am sure the bank of the Vatican has moved a bunch of money for the Mafia so why not for Hitler too? Speculation. The cost of attempting to prove this would be way more than I would spend even if I had that much money. I would rather put it to use in educating the developing world and improving education here in the USA.
BBC - America
who financed hitler? - wideo
bon documentaire de la BBC sur wall street et le nazis
Mots-clés : bush wall street nazis elites
Here the English version, which I think is the best.
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Ireland NOV 2020
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