Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

The Child Dreams


Hanoch Levin

Gil Shohat





World prèmiere: January 18, 2010



The Opera Orchestra - The Israel Symphony Orchestra Rishon LeZion

Sung in Hebrew


Surtitles in English and Hebrew


A world première, based on one of the most important Israeli plays of all time by Hanoch Levin. A journey of escape towards the unknown in an opera featuring death and despair intertwined with a hope for a better future.









Further Reading:



Selektion -  Ninth November Night

Art Installation By Gottfried Helnwein in The Israeli Opera   

NTDTV news article





"My Art is not an answer, - it is a question."






Two years after Beuy's death the Viennese artist Gottfried Helnwein created a striking and odd image bringing Breker and Beuys together. Helnwein posed the eighty-eight-year old Breker unconfortably holding Helnwein's portrait of Beuys in front of his chest. The older man with furrowed brow directs the glossy, skeletal image of Beuys-like an icon painting-away from his own gaze and toward that of the viewer.





On the occasion of Helnwein's Solo Show "I Was a Child" at Friedman Benda NY


My first paintings were little watercolors of wounded, disfigured and bandaged children. I was incredibly naive at that time and completely uninformed about any aspect of traditional art; deliberately, because I rejected anything that came from my parents’ generation.
Once I learned about the Holocaust, I realized its implications, and saw the collective denial and amnesia in Austria at that time. Everything froze for me and I refused to move on from that point. Maybe due to my infantile obsession with ‘justness,’ something broke for me, and from then on I felt detached from my ancestors, their traditions and values.
I avoided all established cultural institutions like museums, and I never visited a gallery. I was a proud ‘orphaned’ street kid, glad to be ignorant. I only cared about the so-called ‘trivial arts’ like comics and rock music. In a way, I was privileged when I began painting because I was completely free. I had no influences from other artists and I had no goals regarding a career. I took cheap watercolors and started to paint. It was like talking to myself, I didn’t know where this would lead to and if anyone would ever notice my little paintings. I had no idea if they were any good either because I had nothing to compare them to.




The Child Dreams - Gottfried Helnwein


Documentary about Gottfried Helnwein working on the new Israeli Opera "The Child Dreams", written by Hanoch Levin.
Behind the scenes footage shot by Cyril Helnwein

Music: "Gluttony" composed by Ali Helnwein



World prèmiere: January 18, 2010

Views: 1015

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Gottfried Helnwein photo shoot

A clip from the documentary "Helnwein - The Silence of Innocence". Gottfried Helnwein photographing a model in his Irish studio.

News Update


Galería Hilario Galguera
Mexico City








Friedman Benda Gallery, New York









03. November 2011

Modernism Gallery San Francisco



04. March 2011

Kunsthalle Krems
Genese des Kinderporträts vom 16. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart
Gottfried Helnwein, Gustave Courbet, Lovis Corinth, Oskar Kokoschka, Loretta Lux, Thomas Lawrence, Otto Dix, Angelika Kaufmann, Gustav Klimt, Max Liebermann, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Pablo Picasso, Friedrich von Amerling u.v.a.m.



 06. February 2011

The Sacramento Bee

Victoria Dalkey

Art Correspondent

Gottfried Helnwein looks more like a rock star than an internationally acclaimed artist. Dressed all in black, with a bandanna around his head and dark glasses hiding his eyes, he resembles, in a superficial way, Bono. Like Bono, he is concerned about the most troubling issues of our times: violence, inhumanity and oppression.
There is a cinematic quality to all of Helnwein's works, which seem to be projected on a wide screen. These "stilled cinematic moments," as Crocker curator Diana Daniels calls them, are powerfully affecting. "He deals with difficult subjects in a way that isn't propagandistic," Daniels said. "It's an open-ended way of dealing with historic subjects that are in danger of slipping away from us." Many of the images are very disturbing, and the museum has issued a warning that some images may be challenging for sensitive or younger viewers. But the show is a powerful one, posing questions we all need to contemplate.


Art is like a flower : it opens our hearts.

Love and Peace for all Beings.
It is a beautiful expression, Beatrice. thank you.

Irit ;-)

Love and Peace for all Beings.


Quote of the moment:


* * *

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We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.

Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Pray for Peace

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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