Peace for the Soul

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Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism


Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism

To all members of Soka Gakkai International, or those who want to know more about Nichiren's Buddhism and the activities of SGI all over the world. Welcome!

Members: 16
Latest Activity: Jul 8, 2019

The SGI Buddhist Movement

Short Introduction

A 3:39-minute film that answers the questions: What is the SGI? What are its philosophical underpinnings? Who are its members and what do they do?


The 12 million members of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) around the world embrace Nichiren Buddhism, a dynamic philosophy grounded in the realities of daily life.


I Chose Life

I Chose Life

Christopher Larkin transformed his destructive lifestyle into one of value-creation through his practice of Buddhism Main Site - Soka Gakkai International - English Germany - German Switzerland - German

Discussion Forum


Started by Carmen Lucia Aguiar. Last reply by Béatrice LATEUR LACROIX May 25, 2011. 1 Reply

Buddhism in a New Light 3. The Way We See OurselvesEnlightenment or human revolution is to change the way we see ourselves.An important aspect of what we call enlightenment or human revolution is to change the way we see ourselves to see the…Continue


Started by Carmen Lucia Aguiar May 13, 2011. 0 Replies


Started by Carmen Lucia Aguiar Apr 30, 2011. 0 Replies

The daily Buddhist practice of SGI members consists of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and reciting sections of the Lotus Sutra, a ceremony known as "gongyo".The three elements of Nichiren Buddhism are faith, or an open mind; chanting…Continue


Started by Carmen Lucia Aguiar Apr 30, 2011. 0 Replies

April 28, 2011, marks the 758th anniversary of the establishment of Nichiren Buddhism on April 28, 1253.The Japanese monk Nichiren first invoked the chant "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo" (literally "I devote myself to the wonderful law of the Lotus Sutra") on…Continue

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism to add comments!

Comment by Eva Libre on July 8, 2019 at 8:56am

Samsara is not afraid of losing you... you have been its devotee for a very long time and does not suspect that you are divorcing it.

Comment by Luna Arjuna on July 4, 2019 at 1:30pm

As cool as a lotus pond
Its ground covered in pearls and silver dust
May your days be filled with bliss
Refreshed by the dharma

(from Medicine Buddha empowerment)

Comment by Béatrice LATEUR LACROIX on March 23, 2011 at 3:51pm

for Japan


Love and Peace for all Beings

Comment by Carmen Lucia Aguiar on March 23, 2011 at 3:09pm
(...) "The largest-scale New Religion disaster-response is being coordinated by Soka Gakkai, which claims 8.27 million households in Japan, including many thousands of adherents in the disaster-stricken region. The day after the earthquake, Soka Gakkai shut down regular operations at its massive headquarters in Shinanomachi, central Tokyo, and set its thousands of employees and ordinary member volunteers to work on relief efforts.

Staff members who ordinarily run the administrative headquarters and publish the daily newspaper Seikyo Shinbun are gathering food, blankets, portable toilets, and other supplies, which they are transporting north to the disaster area. Soka Gakkai has opened its Culture Centers to refugees; a Gakkai employee I was in touch with over email informed me that members of its Young Men’s and Young Women’s Divisions are “working without rest and without sleep” to help refugees, regardless of their religious affiliation. There is no doubt that members of Soka Gakkai view this disaster as a chance to gain new converts to their faith; but there is little reason to doubt the absolute sincerity of the many thousands of Gakkai volunteers who are seeking to help."

(sent by Charles Chigusa, a member of Soka Gakkai, Japan)
Comment by Carmen Lucia Aguiar on March 19, 2011 at 12:41am

Dear Friends,


Welcome to the Group!

Please share your experiences with Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, and feel free to add your own material concerning the subject.

Thank you very much!

Best always and Good Fortune!

Comment by Deborah Ivy Thorsos on March 15, 2011 at 11:20pm
I received my gohonzin 12/87 and had been chanting to it ever since.  Chanting nam myoho renge kyo grounds me in meditation and prayer.  My life has been improving over the years and I am gaining more self confidence.  I still have ways to go.
Comment by Béatrice LATEUR LACROIX on March 15, 2011 at 12:13pm

My father praticed Nichiren's Buddhism the year before his death and it helps him to maintain more Peace in himself.

Every pratice which helps us to find who we really are is a gift for humanity.

Thanks for shating so much with all of us, Eva.

Love and Peace for all Beings.

Comment by MEDARD DU ROCHER - BOPE on March 15, 2011 at 9:34am
thank you.

Members (16)


Quote of the moment:


* * *

Connect With Us!

We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.

Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Pray for Peace

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."




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