A common space for harmonic peacemakers
Wesak is considered the most important of all of the Festival of Lights that occur each full moon, as it is when humanity receives the highest frequency of light from the Company of the Heavens.
In the words of Master Djwhal Khul, Festival of Lights Master of Ceremonies:
As I have stated previously, this Wesak represents the foundation that we have been building upon through the Spiritual Hierarchy, but now it starts to become grounded within the planet. It is no longer just within the consciousness of the Earth, but it will bring a feeling of completeness to a process that has been ongoing for many years. Now this grounding effect needs to be enhanced by all Initiates upon the Planet along with our assistance.
If we take the energies of the Ray of Ceremonial Structure into a personal existence, it represents the core values of a soul inhabited within the body. Then, allowing the Soul Essence, the Spirit, the Higher Self takes a higher commanding role within that body.
The same is occurring for the Earth. There is a foundation within this earth, which I think many individuals would agree with, and that is, Peace, Liberation, Freedom. Within those characteristics of living there needs to be responsibility. And that is where theUniversal Lawsoverlight the energies of this year. Without them, we cannot have the accessibility or hope of grounding the laws. Right now they are a consciousness, and we as the masters much teach others how to incorporate the laws within their life.
The 7th Ray brings forth the element of Lady Portia being the Ray Chohan as more of the Feminine Divine is being activated through the ray. This will assist Gaia to receive what she needs by bringing forth the elements of gentleness, love, and tolerance of the changes that need to occur for right order to be brought forth into the Earth.
As we take the energies of the Violet Purple Flame; it includes the Violet essence of invocation, but with the Purple, it creates a grounding energy while accessing the Feminine Divine. It is a deeper color. The Violet can come and go very easily but how does one stay grounded within that essence. It is impossible to stay centered with only the Violet Flame as it was meant to be a clearing energy – to whip through the darkness and clear up the elements that were stopping free flowing forms of light to be ignited within oneself. The Deep Purple flame brings forth the ability to ground the energies by allowing gentleness to bring forth compassion while centering the energies within the self; thereby, changing the foundation of the physical self into a spiritual foundation incorporated by the Higher Self or Divine Mind.
This ray represents both the Masculine and Feminine Divine qualities to be initiated, activated, and fully actualized.
We believe that this Wesak Moon will be more life changing on a physical level than it has ever been felt previously. The more Initiates that participate in the ceremony and truly allow their Inner Truth to be shown in their consciousness of thoughts and emotions, the easier the transition will be. Each soul has a responsibility to upholding their best intentions for themselves and for others.
Gaia needs you to be fully present within yourself and uphold the highest energy of expansion within you. It is a time when great mastery is being realized for the potential of life on this planet. We are at a crossroads ~ it is time to fully intuit all of the qualities that are essential for the transformation of this Earth.
Will you be ready to accept that you are a Divine Being of Light?
It is a living event based on current astrological cycles. The Wesak Festival is the Festival of the Buddha commemorating the anniversary of his birth, his attainment of buddahood and his ascension. Lord Buddha is the Planetary Logos for the Earth and his essence represents the attainment of Enlightenment for all souls.
This Wesak moon energetically and geophysically represent all that we have ever wanted to become as our reality for the Earth. It is the Cosmic Energy of ending of the old cycle of duality that has been grounded here for many 1,000’s of years. We are coming into a time of true awareness in the sense that the old forms of existence must be removed in order for a new way of higher spiritual order to be restored into the earth.
Many sources speak of the Golden Age of the New Earth as now being the state of existence that is present upon Gaia. As brought forth in the Walking Terra Christa teachings, such a Fifth Dimensional reality must first be grounded into the planet through the consciousness of individuals before it can come into our reality. It is nothing less than the cessation of all lower forms of energies between humans and the rest of the kingdoms upon Gaia.
It is both a physical and spiritual process requiring a certain amount of individuals to see the vision and step forward as pioneers to create that new reality. These magnificent ones call forth the cosmic energies into themselves such that their connections to the old energy of a third dimensional lifestyle are gradually replaced by the higher frequencies that go along with raising their own vibration. These are the ones who continually uphold the light within themselves so that they do not carry lower thought forms, emotions, or create actions that do not support Oneness.
It is a pathway of great persistence and diligence of spiritencompassing so much more than the fruitful beginnings found in sharing words of love and light with others or acting to center the mental mind through meditations of peace. It is creating a state of being within that is the Peace of Love and Light.
To get to such a place, these individuals embrace the Cosmic Frequencies of Light consciously and actively so that they shed the old self and embrace the new self. They do not passively hope that the Light of their Divinity will find them and save them, they step forward spiritually and go within to walk the pathway fully themselves. This is the Divine Service that grounds the Higher Vibrations of Light into the earth.
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We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.
Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~
Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely
Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)
She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."
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