Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers


Thought for today…

Hebrews 7:25

Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. NIV


The Old One's have always been our voice of reason and learning what was and all the way to today…

We have only one that knows if today will last into and through the night…so for us to assure others of another moment, much less another day is just faithless…

The reason  for the above words is so that we may stop…pay attention to what is more important than what ever it is we are doing at this moment in time, for another moment is unknown until it is and then it past and was…we must pass on all that is good of our Nations, we must teach all that will listen and learn goodness…and we must teach our Nation it is time for our Warriors to begin working on all that is needed to protect our children, people, ourselves…some will deny these days are here, some will switch sides as if anyone can ever do this…we are who we are…fact…you may decide to live another way, believe in Creator another way, stop giving credit to Him that has always has provided all needs…yes we may change our spots, but we are still who we are and that is forever…

Our children that have been taken into this worlds ways, and getting deeper and deeper into many lies and misdeeds, and it is getting to the point where one will harm another of His own blood…

All People of every Nation…needs to stop, reset, be truthful with your own first, then go out and allow others to see the positive changes that are happening in every Nation…

You want a lasting peace, a place that will never come a day when another can and will run you off…

If You understand these simple truths…

It matters not what one calls themselves…Reds, Blacks, Yellows, Browns, Whites, or any other skin tone one may have…when the human form goes back into mother earth…we will then not have a color, nor will we be able to make fun of others…because…to speak bad toward another, is speaking bad of one's self, why…now we are all the same, for our spirits are never to be understood one to another as being different, and the Old One's will also be with us, and the Great Mystery will then allow us to know what is to come…and whatever is the task it will be done as One, as One in the same…

Life is…death is not…living is forever…we are as we were designed in the beginning in His image…

Walk todays path very thoughtful and deliberate with His Will in spirit, join self with those that are like minded, and willing to change and be as we were before we were in human form, we are a good and caring spirit, let us know this and pray to go back when time is…allow self, never again to become self centered nor selfish of another…walk with great pride, and understanding and peace filled with love from one to another…

Be fast to serve and slow to anger, be willing and faithful and not un-willing and hateful…go now and share this truth…do this in pride and conviction of all seeing who you are and why, so as for many to come and ask to be this way…

I ask this be heard by all people, in every inch of mother earth, may this be known as pure and fact, and all can become joined as we should…Nation among Nation, person as another, with love flowing forever and a day…this I ask in His mighty name…Amen…AHO…this is what I know…blessings always, until we share once more…I do love YOU!

Views: 33

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hi Rev. Joseph EagleBear, thank you for your words which are more than I have been able to read but those that I have read make me want to respond to you. So after some consideration I have joined your new post here.

I perceive very clearly the lovely sincerity from where these words come and how the reality of their meaning is known to you personally. How wonderful it is. The nomenclature is unusual for me and doesn't come naturally to me but this is far outweighed by the inner quality from where it rushes and gushes forth. your loving heart.

so thank you again for taking the time to make your feelings felt by others.. myself included..


Quote of the moment:


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Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Pray for Peace

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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