Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

  • Havana, IL
  • United States
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☮Malang☮'s Friends

  • Vish
  • marek wysoczynski
  • leonardo martin
  • Nada Jung
  • Akim Bogatyrev
  • Marsh EverEvolvingSoul
  • Erondina Sampaio-SOL
  • healing angel
  • Cris
  • David Gould
  • Aprilji
  • Alexander
  • Serene
  • Konny Ransbach

Gifts Received (3)

Red Ribbon From 2q4mxjr0vd44i candle in light From Eva Libre Red Ribbon From Saphire

Wayfarers know that within the light is the rhythm of the universe. They wander to that and most understand them not... For the sake of one Rose a gardener is a slave to a thousand thorns...

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bridget orman liked ☮Malang☮'s discussion 10,000 monks praying
Feb 22
Richard L joined ☮Malang☮'s group

Wayfarers Kārvānsarā

A place were Wayfarers on the path of light can share there journey stories poetry or anything positive to help others on there way. So come relax and have a cup of tea. [Kārvānsarā Persian A roadside innSee More
Apr 4, 2023
Nada Jung commented on ☮Malang☮'s group Cosmic Kids
"Charlie Brown Christmas Dance"
Dec 29, 2019

Profile Information

What is your purpose to joining Peace For The Soul:
There is no darkness in the midst of Light
I live in a world where the words male and female are flexible and subjective, even redundant. A world of perpetual transformation, where sexuality and gender become obsolete as people begin to question why they should be the same person, day in, day out. A world where the overriding ethos is to question and explore your sexuality and gender without the restrictions prevalent in them altogether and surrounding activities that are seen as old oppositions of male/female, masculine/feminine, heterosexual/homosexual/bisexual have dissolved. I live in a world where I am free to be whoever I want to be, whenever I want to be, male, female, other or neither. Only when you think of it both mind and body are intermittent states. The sum total of these flashes creates the illusion of existence. Enquire what is permanent in the transient, real in the unreal. They are all strung on the basic idea: 'I am the body'. But even this is a mental state and does not last. It comes and goes like all other states. The illusion of being the body-mind is there, only because we are lost in that illusion. It is like darkness in a closed room. But when the light is turned on, where does it go? It goes nowhere, because it was not there. There is no darkness in the midst of light. All states of mind, all names and forms of existence are rooted in Illusion, programming, and imagination. It is right to say 'I am', but to say 'I am this', 'I am that' is a sign of not knowing who you are. Know yourself by letting go of Hu you think you are, all answers are in loving unconditionally. The negative, anger, judgment… the list goes on and on comes from not loving you. These things cloud your vision and that cloud is the illusion. It is written “Die before you die”, die to that which is not real and awaken to that which is, in whatever role you appear and whatever function perform, remain I Am: the 'I am' immovable, unshakable, independent. What most call the universe, which is spontaneous creativity. Whatever happens -- happens.
Think positive be positive, live in Unconditional Love and joy.

About Me:
Love is the water of the universe. See that water flow and take the entire negative and wash it away. Love is the source love is God. You are love itself -- when you are not afraid. All suffering is born of desire. True love is never frustrated. How can the sense of unity be frustrated? What can be frustrated is the desire for expression. Such desire is of the mind. As with all things mental, frustration is inevitable.
Your mind projects a structure and you identify yourself with it. It is in the nature of desire to prompt the mind to create a world for its fulfillment. Even a small desire can start a long line of action; what about a strong desire? Desire can produce a universe; its powers are miraculous. Just as a small matchstick can set a huge forest on fire, so does a desire light the fires of manifestation the very purpose of creation is the fulfillment of desire. The desire may be noble, or ignoble, space is neutral -- one can fill it with what one likes: You must be very careful as to what you desire. Love is the water that purifies turning negative in to positive, letting the light in. And as to the people you want to help, they are in their respective worlds for the sake of their desires; there is no way of helping them except through their desires. You can only teach them to have right desires so that they may rise above them and be free from the urge to create and re- create worlds of desires, abodes of pain and pleasure.
Interests and activities:
Life is love and love is life. What keeps the body together but love? What is desire, but love of the self? What is fear but the urge to protect? And what is knowledge but the love of truth? The means and forms may be wrong, but the motive behind is always love -- love of the me and the mine. The mine and me may be small, or may explode and embrace the universe, but love remains. There is the material world and the spiritual between lays the universal mind, which is also the universal heart. It is unconditional love that makes the two one; it is the mental or psychological link between the spirit and matter. When the psyche is raw, undeveloped, quite primitive, it is subject to gross illusions. As it grows in breadth and sensitivity, it becomes a perfect link between pure matter and pure spirit and gives meaning to matter and expression to spirit, awakening the I AM. Hold on to the thought that you are the ground of all knowledge, the immutable and perennial awareness of all that happens to the senses and the mind. If you keep that in mind all the time, aware and alert, you will break the bounds, emerge into pure light and love. The idea -- 'I am the witness only' -- will purify the body and the mind and open the eye of wisdom. You will then go beyond illusion and your heart will be free of all desires. Just like ice turns to water and water to vapor, and vapor dissolves in air and disappears in space, so does the body dissolve into pure awareness then into pure being which is beyond all existence and non-existence. The difference is in the meaning attached to the words 'I am'. With the realized man the experience: 'I am the world, the world is mine' is supremely valid -- You think, feel and act integrally and in unity with all that lives. You may not even know the theory and practice of self- realization, and be born and bred free of religious and metaphysical notions. But there will not be the least flaw in your understanding and compassion. Because you are no longer bound by appearances, you do not identify yourself with the name and shape. You use memory, but memory cannot use you As long as you are a seeker, better cling to the idea that you are pure consciousness, free from all content. To go beyond consciousness is the supreme state. All desire is born from memory and is within the realm of consciousness. What is beyond is clear of all striving. The very desire to go beyond consciousness is still in consciousness. Let it all go and In the light follow you inner most Heart. Be all -- love all -- be happy -- make happy. No happiness is greater.








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Comment Wall (26 comments)

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At 9:56pm on June 15, 2012, leonardo martin said…

At 3:11am on December 8, 2011, Marsh EverEvolvingSoul said…

Thank-you for the friend request. 

Happy Ho Ho!!

At 12:55am on November 4, 2011, David Gould said…
Thank you for standing up for all those who feel they are different but know not why they are alienated by the world. Thank you for the courage to be yourself. May power be always yours and may you indeed find the unconditional love we all need to survive.
At 10:53pm on November 3, 2011, Erondina Sampaio-SOL said…

Malang my Dear Friend


This flower is to your recuperation.

My prayers are for your recuperation fast.

God is with you and the Angels of Cure too.

Have a nice day my friend...force...

Kiss from SOL

At 12:19am on October 29, 2011, Nada Jung said…


Wishing you blessings and love my friend,


At 12:25am on October 20, 2011, Eva Libre said…

thanks for the great monk picture !
i also have a great one for you, but I have to search......;

please post your monk photo in our Tibetan group Malang. That would be a great asset for us all.


Love, Light and Blessings

At 10:54pm on October 14, 2011, Nada Jung said…

i like your page and the font. But i can not post pictures. Technical problem, you most controll this comment box.

All the best Malang,



At 2:01pm on July 10, 2011, Eva Libre said…


and another new year ... !


Happy Birthday Malang !


May you have a beautiful and happy day !




At 12:34pm on July 10, 2010, Eva Libre gave ☮Malang☮ a gift
At 12:32pm on July 10, 2010, Eva Libre said…

Happy Birthday Malang!

May Blessings, Bliss and Peace Always Sourround You :)

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We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.

Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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