So let your light shine before men that they see your good
works may glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Seek God's kingdom and His righteousness and everything
else youwill be added.
And if the salt loses its qualities with what else isbe salted?
For any thing else will, but to becast out and trampled by men.
God comforts the humble and gives strength to the afflictedbeg.
Her power covers the entire earth and everywhere, along
withevery tear, put the balm that comforts.The dedication,
devotion, piety, devotion - andselflessness, detachment,
renunciation, prayers are continuous and contain profound teaching.
The wisdom lies in these two words:dedication and selflessness.
May all suffering spirits understand thistruth instead of
complaining against the pain, moral sufferings, which are here on
earth your lot.
Take a currency because those two words:
dedication andselflessness and be strong because
they summarize all the duties that charity and humility you require.
The feeling of accomplishment will give you peace of mindof spirit
and resignation.The heart beats better, calms the soul and the
body no longer feelsfainting, because the body suffers all the more
is more profoundly affected the spirit.
That in the future, humble and submissive to the Creator
transgress His Divine Law Love and pray. Be docile to the
Spirit of the Lord. The call upon the heart.
Then I turned around and you say these kind words:
I Am Here I come to you because you called me.

Piety is melancholy and heavenly for erunner of love
and charity whose benefits prepare and ennoble those
who practice it
Love You My Brother and My Sister..
Kiss form SOL