Healthy Eating - Dishes
Posted by Eliana
Saturday, July 31, 2010 20:03
:: Good and sauces beautiful people, thanks for choosing to continue feeding the heart and both eyes. Today we are going to spend on a disease that many people and as many do not know they have it until they get a complete checkup.
:: Celiac disease is intolerance and permanent total set of proteins that are present in wheat , oats , barley and rye ( the so-called TACC ) and products derived from these four cereals . The gluten in these grains is the most popular form of presentation of prolamins toxic to celiacs. Oats seem not to produce damage, but in the process of industrialization, can be contaminated by mixing with grains of wheat , barley or rye. Unfortunately this disease is detected later because the clinical symptoms is variable and sometimes inconspicuous . The have both children and adults and is a disease that can be transmitted from generation to generation. According to Gladys Altamirano , VP of Argentina Celiac Association " does not yet exist with the incidence in pregnant women . " Currently , this disease affected mostly the women , according to a study conducted in our country, one in every 150 people may be celiac .
:: The only treatment for this disease is a strict diet and life without " TACC " , but to no avail if we do not adequately feed a healthy lifestyle , including daily sleep a minimum of seven hours , playing sports or just walk a lot and avoid stress. According to the nutritionist and dietician Clara Beatriz Alvarez, "the symptoms of this disease range from abdominal manifestations such as diarrhea, skin to dermatitis and irritability in character. Hence the importance of being detected at an early stage and prevent nutritional deficiencies and an early commencement of a gluten -free food .
:: What I am going to give below are some of advice that the ACeliac ssociation Argentina suggests that the time to start a diet without TACC :
Nobody should start a diet without gluten, without having undertaken an intestinal biopsy showing intolerance to it, by alteration of the mucosa.
The diet should be strictly followed throughout life .
Should be eliminated from the diet any product bearing ingredient wheat , oats , barley , rye, and / or products derived therefrom : starch , flour , bread , etc.
They can be consumed without prior analysis all natural products such as vegetables , fruits , vegetables , eggs , vegetables, etc. .
They fit all the leading brands of rice , sugar , table salt , butter , soda , vinegar , wines , champagnes and ciders.
As for the beer and whiskey brands consume only suitable for coeliacs.
As a general rule , be removed from the diet all products in bulk ( loose ) as flour , cereals , spices, powders for making jellies, etc. .
The handmade products that are not labeled, where you can not check the ingredients list , they should not consume them.
Have a room to store only special foods without TACC
Avoid frying foods in oils without TACC which have been previously fried gluten products .
Always use clean utensils . Do not use the same spoon to make a dish that contains gluten and the other does not.
Consider the handling of food , bars and restaurants. Refer to the means of production, brand of spices and ingredients of each dish.
The pasta should be cooked separately capable of containing gluten.
Do not use bouillon cubes , substitute broth or bouillon natural fit
Caution should be exercised with imported food .
When in doubt whether a product may contain TACC , DO NOT eat .
:: It is clear that progress has been made in the dissemination of this disease but still some . " Non-governmental organizations , Internet pages celiac group, gather and share information, recipes, etc. . In children with whom it should focus all efforts and more even in slum areas to provide them with flour without TACC , information ( in groups of families with celiac children ) , cooking classes , etc. " the lawyer added Alvarez.
: : With regard to autistic children who live under a picture of saturation of opiates , the diet change will mean changing the quality of your life. That is why many experts say that "people who have been subjected to a special diet without gluten or casein have experienced a marked improvement but not cured, and those with mental retardation as continue to have, but they learn much more. "
:: And to go ending always have to look at the list that makes ANMAT (National Administration of Medicines. Food and Medical Technology ) and update it regularly to see what you can brand product I consume. So I was looking for and the last was published on July 18, 2010 .
:: To read it you just must get into : 20de_Gluten_18_07_2010.pdf %
:: Law 26 588 , "said National Interest care, clinical and epidemiological research , professional training in early detection , diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease "reports nutritionist Clara Alvarez and adds that "the law has already been approved but there is still put into practice. "
: : This report is over and I'm really grateful to everyone who helped. It was a long time since I wrote a note so long. I hope that they can enjoy and , most importantly , to be broadcast . Now we present a recetitas to include in your daily diet.
:: Pablito Martin. Chef - Journalist
:: self-rising home without TACC
50 grams sodium bicarbonate
50 grams cream of tartar
corn starch or manioc 25g
What we have to do is simply put a CD with music and enjoy ... Meanwhile mix the ingredients and preparation to save the need to use .
:: Pablito Martin. Chef - Journalist
:: Premix flour Without TACC
300g rice flour
300 g cassava flour
400g cornstarch
If you already have music, now is the time of the maté tea , heat water and while mixing the ingredients and preparation to save the need to use .
:: Pablito Martin. Chef - Journalist
:: Pancakes
FAT : 5 GRS,
Ingredients (20 units)
Premix Without TACC 1 ½ cup
2 cups milk
Eggs 2
4 tablespoons olive oil
Self-rising home without TACC 1 tsp .
To cook the pancakes:
Margarine or oil 0% 20 teaspoons of coffee.
Put all ingredients in a blender and mix one minute.
Let the dough rest in refrigerator 30 minutes .
Prepare the pancakes in a pan by adding a teaspoon of margarine or oil to prevent sticking .
:: Pablito Martin. Chef - Journalist
:: pies dough
Total calories: 107 Kcal .
Ingredients ( for two hard guys or 12 empanadas )
Premix Without TACC 300 grams
Eggs 2
TACC fit without self-rising 1 tablespoon
150 cc water or milk .
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Pepper and 1 teaspoon salt
This is another of the recipes that are much more complicated to do. So I ask you to pay close attention and not get distracted . The idea is that you put all ingredients in a food processor and tapes. Immediately you press the power button and magically see how a single mass .
If necessary add a little more of premix because the mass does not have to stick . Let rest for at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
Cut two buns and stretch to make the cake or stretch the dough and cut all discs for empanadas.
Simple and easy , and you have your mass rich , healthy and easy. The recipes for the filling you can find on the site.
:: Pablito Martin. Chef - Journalist
:: potato gnocchi
FAT : 9 GRS.
Ingredients (4 servings)
Potatoes 1 kg
Eggs 2
400 grams without TACC Premix
2 tablespoons grated cheese
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon salt
Nutmeg 1 teaspoon
Boil the potatoes with the skin. Remove the potatoes when pierced with a knife and soft notes . Put it in a baking dish and cook for 15 minutes.
When cool pelalas and put it in a bowl. With hands desmenuzalas . After the premix add it without TACC, a tablespoon of salt , eggs , pepper , cheese and oil. Mix ingredients until dough is not sticking to the fingers. Always get hold of some dough premix hooked hand.
Leave the dough rest a few minutes and forms a large sausage . Cut one end of the thickness of two fingers and stretch forming a chorizo the size of your little finger . If you need help yourself with a little more pre-mix for you not to stick the dough. It is advisable to sprinkle the dough table and whenever necessary and a little at a time.
Now is the time to cut the size of a finger into small cubes , sprinkle with a handful of premix and move it .
I like to remain so, but if you prefer to give the traditional gnocchi shape , runs every square on the wooden board or a fork.
Boil a pan of water and three handfuls of salt (10 grams of salt per liter of water).
Stir in the gnocchi and they begin to rise to the surface already . To enjoy these rich , nutritious and fun gnocchi
home .
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