Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

I spent most of today decorating an 18" photocopied gingerbread design that my granddaughter brought with her this weekend. She brought it home from school about two weeks ago, but her mother never did anything with it. So when Jenny came out for her regular weekend visit, she brought it along and it is due tomorrow. Ouch ... I felt that dig right off. Over the years, being an artsy & craftsy person, I have collected a lot of such stuff to work with. However, during this past month in an attempt to declutter my life, I either gave the stuff to a thrift store or disposed of it. So I went to the craft store and spent about $15.00, just to decorate this gingerbread man that we turned into a girl. But Jenny & I had fun doing it together andthe watching of xmas movies as we did it. I hope her mom thinks it's cute.
The tree is finally up, after some more lights are put on it, I can start decorating it. I know the kids (youngest 19) liked the idea of a tree this year and I did go along with it ... but, I miss my deck with a hammock, fishnet, lights and Palm tree. The deck is so much more my style and has this great calming vibe about it. This is the first tree we've had since my oldest daughter died five years ago and being 8.5" it is very pretty. But next year the deck will be back with the Palm tree and tropical decorations.

I am also trying to decide what to have to eat at Solstice. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving Day at all (the pilgrims ultimately killed all but 250,000 of the original 100,000,000 Native Americans that lived in North America ... 98%!!! No celebrating for murder), so we just had some fast food and a lot of laughs before we went to a couple of stores and browsed their xmas aisles. Now Solstice we love, but haven't really established any traditions when it comes to food. No one has many ideas to contribute.

BTW, has anyone else experienced a clearer and more exact intuition or perception of future instances? I have noticed that my perception, even with small everyday things is much stronger and more consistent than before. I appreciate this so much, but wondered if it is happening to others, too.

Let me know how each of you are doing or just stop by to say hi. Peace & blessings.

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Comment by Krishna Jaya on November 29, 2010 at 8:44pm
now that you mention it, clearer intuitions about not only future instances but also about present underlying (our ordinary sense-reality) patterns and principles at work are happening with me now, too. i attended a ten day astrology seminar in bali in september and brought back with me to northern california a raging thirst to understand the significance of the archetypal principles embodied subtly in the planets and the correlations that exist ("as above, so below") between the planetary movements and the goings-on in my psyche as well as the collective. thanks for asking!
Comment by Bill on November 29, 2010 at 8:42pm

Comment by Eva Libre on November 29, 2010 at 8:22pm
Your attitude to the subject of murder from Native Americans is noteworthy and needs solidarity !!!

Quote of the moment:


* * *

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We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.

Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Pray for Peace

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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