Peace for the Soul

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I Group Afzal Shauq With Jane Austen And Charlotte Bronte. Fayeleesa Shropshire

Afzal Shauq !! If someone ask me who that was a hour ago, I wouldn't be able to tell him. Though I've read only a few of his poems. I think they’re absolutely beautiful and awesome. The way his words flow together like waves.

I'm only fifteen, so what do I know about poetry? Maybe nothing but still I know that poetry can make all the differences. I mean, poetry has helped me into many ways to count.

Afzal Shauq's poetry is more than just "roses are red, violet's are blue." His poetry makes you think, In his poem ‘Blind World’, he talks about how the world is blind to the rules of life. Yea, the world tries to hide the fact that darkness exists and is unavoidable. Death is a part of life but the world wants to shut it out and push it away. This is such a honest and raw poem. This is why it is one of my favorites by Afzal Shauq, among others. I also like ‘Detaching From You’, ‘Desire to Meet’, and ‘Beauty Pride’. But the poems I absolutely fell in love with are ‘Confusion of Love’, ‘An Answer’ and ‘Anthem of Deprived Love’.

As I said before I'm only fifteen but when I read Afzal Shauq's poems I feel as though I've lived for a million life times. His poetry takes me through a time of war, love, and lost. These words that he has written inspire me.

I've always wanted to become a writer and I love poetry. The pure beauty and truth of his poems give ma awakening of what I can really do with the power of my words.

I see just by reading Afzal Shauq's work that he's touched so many lives by the power of words. This proves to me and the rest of the world that words are just as powerful as actions, so they shouldn't be taken lightly.

Afzal Shauq has told me that my words are sweet and written well. This information that I never knew. I've always felt that my poems were just the result of my rambling about love and emotions. So Afzal has opened my eyes to the beauty of an elegance of which I write in. I feel this comes from my knowledge of the past times, where authors wrote with beauty and elegance with such an ease.

Authors such as Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte' and William Shakespeare. These are the authors that I group Afzal Shauq with, for he also has beauty and elegance in his wise words. That is something that not only writers and poets strive for but any self respecting person.

Fayeleesa Shropshire

Salisbury, NC / United States

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