Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

Clowns are you saying? Want to fool me? No. Not even fools they are. Rather idiots who call themselves Politician, but really are crazy. Forked people living in at least two worlds. Schizophrenia are and thoroughly corrupt and dishonest actually, the one vis-a-vis the promises and the most money. Foolishly they call those who do not take money also. Or the exposed or criticized, they call a clown or a fool by themselves. Would even call them a madman or idiot if they did not believe they would have to pay attention to their reputation !!! Inside is Outside. They make a clown out of us, but are themselves ridiculous. Only it's serious with them and not for laughing. To lock one in prison, if you tell the truth about them. but you understand this is not fun, like all rulers and power addicts do like that. Earlier genuine and tolerated jesters had a fool license and everything was allowed to them, because they took advantage of the powerful. They brought back to the earth. Today the powerful are themselves the fools and allow no disrespect towards them, because they do not like it and may permit the one laughing at them. They say what just yet is allowed. It used to speak an art in images and parables. Art, too, had this freedom. Especially when they provided that with a certain level in order to understand innuendo. Today rarely is somewhat understandable for all. Deeper meanings are hidden behind everything. Humor is flat and firm and become directly without the fine nuances. This makes the attacked angry and upset and they cry out for law and order. But the law and the judges are just as humorless as their paragraphs. They fear for their authority and the power of their laws. Only those who never forgets to laugh dissolves this vicious cycle and reduces everything to the lightness of being. Therefore, the vote today are no more clowns. Not even that. But only shadows of their former self, even sell their shadows ... because they believe they only stood in the light and would no longer even cast a shadow.

All rights reserved
© Floy Dy Ra, 04/19/2016

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Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

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