Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

Dear All,

Good evening / morning to all of you and have a divine blessed day ahead...

Understanding Karma

In Hindu religion and philosophy, Karma is of great importance. It is the law of the divine – according to Karma philosophy the future of an individual's mode of existence depends on the good or bad actions he/she has performed. The actions that you have performed in the past and the present will follow you and it will play an important role in your future life.

The law of karma also states that the actions performed in previous births play a crucial role in the future births.

In simple terms, every action has a fruit. Depending on the nature of the action the fruit can be sweet or sour. Sometimes the fruit is delivered immediately, sometimes in future. The strength of the sweetness or sourness depends on the action that produced the fruit.

The primary aim of the doctrine of Karma is to teach an individual the importance of good actions and through which one can attain moksha or bliss on earth.

Derived from the Sanskrit word karman, meaning `to act,' the term karma finds its elaborate usage in the Upanishads.

As per the theory of Karma, a person cannot escape from his actions. Good deeds will take a person closer to Moksha and bad deeds lead to suffering.

On closer examination of the doctrine of Karma one understands that good and evil are present in a human being. And moksha or bliss is attained when an individual strives to keep out evil, which mainly consist of the minds attempts to attain perishable pleasure and happiness.

Identification and Karma – The Story of Swami and Prostitute

Once there was a swami who had an ashram where kirtan (Chanting the divine names of Lord) and bhajan used to continue day in and day out. Opposite the ashram there was the house of a prostitute. The swami used
to watch the continuous stream of clients going to visit her. In between kirtan, he used to come and watch from the ashram balcony. And the prostitute, when she was free used to listen to the kirtan... 'Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna and become ecstatic. In the mornings she used sit quietly and sing kirtan.

There came a time when both of them died. They were both brought before Yama, the divine judge of good and bad karma. He told his secretaries: 'Send this lady to heaven and consign this swami to hell'.

The swami got furious. He said, 'What? In my ashram kirtans go on twenty four hours daily. I have never touched a woman. I have been a celibate in an ashram for eighty years. I have never seen anyone beyond a cloister. I haven't even seen a woman's shadow. How can you send me to hell?'

Yama (the God of Death) smiled and said, 'You are right, Swamiji. I know you conducted kirtan continuously, held spiritual discourses and ate pure vegetarian food. You did not talk to a woman, about a woman,
or with a woman. But what were you thinking all the time? Were you not always thinking about the lady that lived opposite your ashram?'

The swami said, 'She was a prostitute. What have I got to do with her? I only knew that people were visiting her.'

Yama said, 'Yes, what you say is true, but if you were so elevated, what business do you have with a prostitute, or anyone for that matter? It is not karma that is important, it is obsession and identification.
You identified yourself with the life she was living; and, this lady, even though she was a prostitute, was always identifying herself with your ashram life and absorbed in the bhajan and kirtan.

She always dreamed of how she could live your way of life some day. Her passions and monetary requirements did not allow her to live an ashram life. She was the daughter of a prostitute and had to continue that tradition. But year after year she ardently identified herself with the spiritual symphony of life. Her actions may have been un-virtuous, but that does not matter. Actions cannot touch the soul. Her soul was spiritually inclined and therefore I assigned her to heaven. Yours was the opposite and I have consigned you to hell'

Regards & Chant The Maha mantra:
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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