Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers


The Hate Peddler

He gives candy to the kids..When they go out to play
He gives money to the village women..As they all go
about their day..He teases and flirts with the teenage
girls..As they too fall victim to his enticing siren song..
He counsels all the young men..With muscles so virile
so anxious and strong..

He embraces all the Elders and ask them about their
needs..He hugs and kisses the Widows..While all the
time he is preparing..To soon rob each one of their naive
daughters..Of their soon to be dead young life's seeds..

For he is the Hate Peddler..Every day he lives he is
selling us his dark wares..His script is one written in
destruction and chaos everywhere..For he has an evil
agenda so mean so violent and so vile..While strapping
another one of his live bombs..To someone else's now
unsuspecting child..In his world his is the only life..
He still openly treasures..Ready to fit someone else's
life into a new body bag..He has already sacrificed in
his mind's eye..Then so carefully calculated and fully

He gets his high inhaling everyones hate..Rejoicing as
he is delivering his message of death..And injury to some
one else's gate..Which is sure to soon modify the hands..
Of some unsuspecting souls new date..With an unknown
appointment..To which they will forever so late..

He is a master of terror and a highly skilled corrupter of all..
Once you sit in his chamber of violence and horror..If your
mind is weak..You too will soon embrace his call..He skill
fully plots his many missions..Surely to bring much suffering
death injury and misery to all..

However he will always require..The sacrifice of someone
else's life and blood..Even though he will supply the water
and the dirt..He does not want his soft hands to be soiled
in his own sickening mud..While he will always do everything
he feels..Is so necessary to protect his own..For in his mind
He must always be..The supplier rigger and the trigger..For
his foul deeds..He for sure wants to become so very well

Privately he feels he can never be defeated..For there
is so much hatred everywhere..Everybody truly dislikes
somebody..So he knows the need for his services..Will
always be waiting in the silence..Of the shadows so near
right there..In each one of our hearts so visible so clear..

By morning Sun he will be in Gaza..By noon Iraq and
Iran..By mid afternoon Syria Russia..By evening India
and Pakistan..With a final layover in Tibet China and
Taiwan then Japan..Then of to Cambodia with a brief stop
in Saipan..Before falling asleep for a few hours in
a back room shop..In the highlands of Afghanistan..

Evil has to always be moving is his mantra..For him
there is no night or day..Only more real Hate to Peddle..
So many too easy willing minds..He still yet has to sway..
While hiding among and behind the innocent women..The
elderly staring watching the poor children at play..While
he is so willing so eager..To sacrifice them all..As his
shield is his adopted and chosen cowardly way..

Now some might conclude he only operates in the east..
and does not work in the west..But in North and South
America..He has invested so much in..Separating us from
the rest..From the Caribbean basin..To Africa Malaysia
Myanmar and Singapore..He has set his flag of hate in each
one of us..Unwilling to say to him and his evil empire of war..
You shall not have no home in me nor mine..From this day
there shall be no more..

As a renown Peddler of Hate he can't wait..For the next
conflict to soon escalate..In his mind no price is to steep..
In order for him to get..and have his way in us all..For he is
only responding..To his dark masters hate..Lurking inside
of each one of us..To place that call..Where some among
us are still so eager to disagree argue and fight..over nothing..
at all..To soon grab a gun and so very foolishly again..React
to validate his hate..and then heed his every beck and call..

Excerpted from "The African Journals" Vol I
"The Things I Would Say To You If I Could"
Authored By Daton O. Fullard
Copyrighted 2008 © All Rights Reserved

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The hate...and love is within..
Its like an earthen pot....when its not put into furnace for is very soft and can be damaged by any small stone or even water inside...but when it is tempered properly, it can keep water in side or sustain many pallets..

Its the non..curing of human mind and soul now a days which makes most of us so soft that any peddler, whether hate paddler, or any materialistic luxury paddler makes a dent in our soul and life.

I feel the main aim should be to make our mind and soul strong to resist such paddlers...

Ohm Shanti....


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