Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

We all want something, anything. Wanting means we are still alive, and as long as we stay alive, we will always want something.
Most of us, when we want something, start thinking of how to get it because if we did know how to get it, we wouldn't be thinking of it, but just go and get it.
Sometimes, we find rather quickly how to get what we want and everything is fine, but when we don't we start feeling frustration after a while, sometimes we feel also anger because we don't know how to get what we want, jealousy of the people around us who are getting what they want, and maybe even the very same thing we want as well, and fear that we might never be able to achieve that special desire.
Now, those are not the best feelings we like to feel, so after a while, when we yet don't find the way to get where or what we want, we simply forget about it, push it aside, suppressing it, believing it is not possible for us to get it. The thing is that although we suppress it, those same feelings stay with us no matter how strong we try to forget the reason which caused them to begin in the first place.

The source to all this is fear, the fear of change.

When we want something that means we yet do not have it, and that means something in us must change in order to get what we want, and that scares us. It is unknown to us and the biggest fear of all man-kind is the unknown.

Now here is a little problem, because change happens all the time, every second of our lives, and that means, if we are afraid of change that we live in constant fear our entire lives, not a very pleasant idea, is it?

As I grew up, I noticed this and decided I could not go on living if I couldn't find a way to settle that fear, so I began searching for a way to know, not believe, but know that whatever happens, I will be just fine.

I would like to share it with you now, and for that I would like you to look within yourselves and pick an area you have or had interest in through your lives, pick something you've touch, observed and chose as a part of your lives.
Now observe with yourselves and answer these questions:
Do you know more in that specific area than you did 10 years ago?
When you will find yourselves in a situation in that area, would you know better how to act and what to do?
Even if you won't succeed, still, you would know better in that specific area. We live our lives in the thought, that only when we succeed, we prove to ourselves, and to the world surrounding us that we know.
And what happens when we don't? Aren't we still learning?
After all, even when we don't really think about it later, when we find ourselves in that same situation, we, even if it will be for a split of a second, will remember the situation from past experiences, and will react to it differently, even if we won't be able to explain what the difference was exactly.
And slowly, slowly, time after time, we will examine the situation from within, and in some point, we will just know.
We will know what to do, we will know what to say, we will know who to speak to, and even, we will know that even if we don't know right now, at some point, we will know.

What does this entire thing mean?
That if we improve every moment, and if we get better and better, even if it takes some time, and if change is the only permanent thing in our world,
That means that change is good.
So, if change is permanent, and we grow and know better every moment that means that change is making us better. We change and improve, grow and learn, and slowly, slowly, grow to contain more than we could before. We can, more, with time.

So what does all this mean?
That one of those days, and no matter what we will do, our desires will come true, and if we still want them, they will be there, waiting for us to understand, waiting for us in infinite patience, waiting for us to grow, to become wiser, to know to contain them, one of those days.
It's ok, you can breathe.
The change happens by itself.
And change, is good.

Views: 47


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Comment by Béatrice LATEUR LACROIX on December 14, 2010 at 5:22pm

 Thanks for sharing your experience, Uriel. Your inviation to look inside of us is great.

Bouddah said " Change is permanent" and "The real hapiness has no cause".

Love andPeac efor all Beings.

Comment by desmond dillon on December 14, 2010 at 1:00pm


hi guys ,  all these words are prompting me to point out that there is one experience in particular that does not change. its a feeling not a thought and the more we can feel it the clearer it becomes. of course we seek to think what it might be but it cannot be captured by thought. however we can definitely come to know all about it and its the most wonderful of all the things that can happen and we can know about. its for each of us to discover for ourselves and  we just have to earnestly look and want to know. its to be found within inside of our life experience and the only obstacle i know of is the thing we describe as mind or the thinking process that continually distracts from the longing. this seems to be taken care of naturally because like more salt in the food makes us more thirsty so suffering and separation makes us long for the feeling we call peace all the  more. eventually the thirst becomes so great we become able to accept the gift of life. the best there  is just keeps on getting better. so i wish you all the best of the best.

Comment by Uriel on December 13, 2010 at 2:00pm
Hallo Drago,
Thank you very much for your comment,
it feels good.
Best and bless
Comment by drago kulic on December 13, 2010 at 1:11pm


Comment by Uriel on December 13, 2010 at 6:31am
Hallo Len,

Wow, Thank you for being objective, it really got me feeling and looking inside, thank you.
At first I thought of not answering, for the fear of not being understood, but then I realized my need for explaining is far more important to me than what other people might think of me. I LOVE to explain, to ex-plain, to make things plain and simple. so here goes:

About me being busy with the mind, it is true I used to be far more busy with it in the past, but writing what I write is not trying to be mindful, but instead trying to lay down a map of the mind and how I found out it works, just so people can look inside and understand a bit more about themselves. It might be only my mind, and there for I never ask anyone to accept this. My goal is not to keep anyone in the mind, but rather helping them letting go of it.
About Letting go, I never for once neglected what you said about letting go, and I apologies if I made you understand that, but rather see that the EGO is a need for control, so we will be able to recognize ourselves from the rest. It comes from the misunderstanding that we have to do something special in order to be special.
And about "Uriel", I cannot tell and say anything about anyone but myself, and there for can only use and share my own perspective of life. This is why I use myself in almost every example I make.

I understand that you are moving on with your life,
so I wish you all the best and may your path be of love.


Comment by Len Howard on December 13, 2010 at 2:45am

First , Uriel,apologies fio misspelling your name. Assurances are due you that it certainly was not intentional. It is a fact that tact is not my lomg suit, so in responding to your blog, trying to be objective is not always kind, but here goes, with apologies beforehand. In your original blog, you swim around and around and are so busy with your mind, that it's difficult to follow. Wisdom of the Sages and Shamans, continualy caution us of the dangers of busy minds. The Taoists call it, "Monkey Mind" because it jumps all over the place without ever settling down. One can not help but think of that while reading your original message. You also seem overly forused on "Uriel". In your answer to me below, which took only 15 lines, you used the word,"I" , no less than 14 times, and the word ,"me" ten additional times. It also seems that in ansering my remark about "letting go", we are worlds apart. Your "letting go"doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of "letting of of the ego, which is a prerequisite for finding "self". You ignore the comment of the "death/ rebirth experience" which if you stripped away all else in the answer, is undoubtedly the most imortant thing one can achieve in the quest for finding who you really are in relatinship to all other living things, past or present. Again, this might not be a wise decision to participate in this group, simply because of the distance of getting, "here" from "there. So with  the very same humble respect for you that is due all of our  synchrosnistic ,cosmic brothers and sisters in both the plant an animal world, past and present, I bid you farewell, with a wish that oneday you will be able to open your thitd eye.



Comment by Uriel on December 12, 2010 at 11:12pm
Hello Len,
As for myself, I use my own mind in order to do it. Over the years I noticed that I cannot ever know for sure which of my inner voices is my intuition's or mi mind's so I set up a goal to find a way to use my mind in order to silence it, to silence my mind.
It came up to me after a very long research of more than 10 years, when I understood that no matter what happens, it's ok, I can just breathe, everything will be just fine.
I explain it in the article, so I won't go over that again, but what I do want to do is to answer your question.
If I understand correctly from your question, you ask how do I let go.
Well, Letting go for me is letting go of the need of control, to not try and control life, but rather just let go and live it moment by moment. So when ever I notice my mind is trying to gain control over a certain situation, I simply remind it (re-mind it) that there is no need for control for me to be fine, and that there is no need to try and protect me by gaining control, everything is just fine.
I use the same sentence from this very article daily:
It's O.K. You Can Breathe. The Change happens by itself.

Hope this answered your question,
All the best,
Uriel (It's not Ariel, but Uriel)
Comment by Len Howard on December 12, 2010 at 10:19pm

Sorry, I forgot to sign my name.

This is Len Howard (again)

Comment by Len Howard on December 12, 2010 at 10:18pm

The fear of which you speak, Ariel, is the fear of letting go in order to experience the death of the ego and the subsequent re-birth and finding that which you seek., So since you were interested in questions, I would like to know by what means you achieved that lofty goal?  And if in fact you haven't achieved it, how can you tell others where to look?

Comment by Uriel on December 12, 2010 at 9:23pm
Hey guys,
Thank you for your comments.
I didn't see any questions, but I did feel like responding, hope it will be to your liking.
To know ourselves, as far as I see, is why we are here for, and there for always want in order to know exactly who we are, step by step, refining who we are. It is a true bliss the more we know ourselves, thank you for you comment about that.
Wanting does create what some of us call problems in order for us to understand and learn from them, reminding (Re-mind) ourselves of who we are. We don't always get what we want, since as I see it, we mostly don't know what we want, but rather think we want it, and since our mind is the creating part of the process and not our guide, again, as far as I see it, when we think we want something, it usually never is what we really want. Thanks again for your comment.

Best of bless,

Quote of the moment:


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