Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

The unknown value of seed

In his small home to a collection of nutrients of high biological value

The seed culture have always been used more as additional element as part of the daily diet. In gastronomy, is commonly added to complement decorative dishes or in sauces and condiments. On the diet , job, usually relegated to the background , as well as snacks to eat between meals (pipes , pumpkin seeds ) or as an adjunct therapy for disorders passengers. The latter is the case of flax seed for constipation. Its small size can be distracting on its nutritional value , it contains a concentrate of nutrients of high biological value , which allows the growth and development of a new plant. This is reason enough to care about its composition and knowing the potential dietary , nutritional and gastronomic each .


The seeds , one by one

- Image : Hobbes Yeo -

All seeds are edible. The more popular as sunflower seeds or pips, pumpkin seeds , sesame or flax , and other less common , such as seed amaranthOf quinoa, The chia seeds or goji berries .The last two have attracted interest because of the striking nutritional benefits that have been presented to the market.

In general, the most important aspect that gives nutrition to the seeds is the fact consume in full , unrefined , so they are one of the few foods that remain intact natural nutritional properties , when stored in suitable environments, protected from light and moisture.

Linseed . Have been hailed as the perfect complement for the prevention and cure constipationBecause of their wealth soluble fiber. In addition , according to the latest research, regular consumption of flaxseed is attributed protection and benefit against the cardiovascular diseasesBy the combination of soluble fiber ( pectin and mucilages ) and omega 3 fatty acids (including alpha- linolenic acid ). Apparently , the bioavailability of these healthful fatty acids is higher if the crushed seeds are taken , rather than whole. They become a useful strategy to control cholesterol among those with family history dyslipidemiaor cardiovascular disease. However, if high cholesterol is very high, the specialist will decide if it is enough with diet and dietary supplements or pharmacological treatment required .

Sesame seeds.The light brown seeds are the most known and used. They share with the beneficial properties of flax paths both in the regulation of intestinal function in controlling cholesterol levels . One drawback of sesame is the ability to cause allergies. The increasingly common presence of these seeds in many processed products partly explains the increase in cases.

In industry, much of the production sesame seeds is intended to obtain a oil with interesting properties that makes him worthy of a place in the kitchen. Other derivatives are tahini, A paste made from crushed seeds and the gomasio , obtained by crushing the seeds mixed with salt. Tahini is a suitable substitute for sandwich spreads, fats and sugars such as butter, margarine and cocoa derivatives . gomasio use as a condiment in salads is a good and simple daily habit for eating seeds and benefit from its nutritional virtues . The recipe for a creamy and tasty sesame sauce serves as a flavoring to a green beans or a refreshing salad. The seeds enrich vegetable pates like chick peas (humus ) and the eggplant. Batter is more nutritious and tasty if you add sesame seeds and is used to obscure , from chicken breasts to some original chickpea balls or a prawns. Moreover, the use of these seeds is very common in breadsspecial high-fiber cereal or mix .

Pumpkin . seed is larger , popular and recognized for their property to eliminate vermifuge intestinal parasitesAttributed to its content or cucurbitina cucurbitacins , an active alkaloid type . In addition, pumpkin seeds are used in herbal medicine for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, mild to moderate and some clinical trials confirm this property compared to placebo , although the debate continues among doctors and scientists, given the limited investigation. Therefore, the health care of patients in treatment, whether or pharmacological phytotherapic is essential to control not increase the functional impairment of this organ of the genitourinary male. The pumpkin seeds are delicious toasted . In this way, besides taking it as a healthy snackingCan be added to salads and habit vegetable creams .

The seeds are a source of essential fatty acids , nutrients that must be consumed daily

Sunflower seeds. For its nutritional properties and pleasant taste, the pipes are not too calorie snack , whilst complying with a fair amount , about 50 grams. The disadvantage is that , once opened the bag , it's hard to stop eating pipes and excess , while making too many calories , too much is indigestible due to fat eaten at once. Of fats they bring their wealth stands gamma- linolenic acid , an essential nutrient which should bring the diet. One of the peculiarities of this compound is that it serves for the formation of prostaglandins , molecules with anti-inflammatory . The drawback of the pipes is that many of them are salty , so consumption in excess is not healthy in general and even less so in case of hypertension , fluid retention and certain cardiovascular conditions that require diets low in this mineral . However, also as an aperitif , pipes can be added to bread, Salads , to creams , to yoghurts or muesli .

Poppy . The lore attributed a mild sedative effect on the nervous system , although seed poppy do not concentrate the components of the plant opiates responsible for these properties. Of their nutritional value include its high protein content (18 %) , fat (45 %) of which stand - unsaturated (40 %) - and fiber ( 10%). However, the small quantity consumed of them makes an interesting negligible nutritional value. The most traditional use given to these seeds is in the bakeries and pastry shops to decorate the bread , pastries and cakes or to make cakes. Can be used for breading foods , which give a special flavor and a very appealing, and are seen as an alternative to fish meal and wheat breads for people with Celiac disease.


- Image : Nathalie Dulex -

All seeds share biological and nutritional , although small differences in composition give them added value and allow for a feature that distinguishes one from others. The high energy is common in all , between 550 and 600 kilocalories per 100 grams , as determined by the combination of a modest amount of plant proteins ( 18-22% ) and lipids , which in all cases exceeds 50 % seed weight . The nutritional advantage is that fats are outstanding and essential unsaturated fatty acids with anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular protection .

The roasting must be smooth to preserve intact the healthy properties of its fat

Nature does the seeds are also a good source of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E. The sunflower seeds are by far the most concentrated in this nutrient. It is a basic condition that allows the seeds to keep the properties of fats they rancidity. Toasting applied to some seeds to enhance its flavor should not be too hard to not alter the quality of unsaturated fats.


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