A common space for harmonic peacemakers
Vibrational Therapies
Cosmos Music
It is said that the vibrational therapy is the medicine of the New Age , even though the statement would not believe this credit because they take other medicines called complementary . Through what we have previously recognized that there Is something that does not vibrate ? , is there something that is static? .
Everything is energy and all energy has a wave of vibrations , whether light, sound, electromagnetic waves, or color , frozen or crystallized energy vibrates, the only difference is the way that manifests due to the type of vibrational wave .
On this basis , it is clear that the human body is likewise moving energy , the different waves of vibration occurring in the , perceptions and sensations. Cells and organs of the body are continuously vibrating at certain frequencies.
Sound is the element used in this vibrational therapy . different instruments are used as bowls , tuning forks, gongs , bells made of different metals, and the human voice . It is thus a complementary therapy that uses sound and music to act beneficially on the physical, emotional , mental and spiritual.
When an organ or tissue structure is sound, the vibration is in harmony with the rest of the body. When there are health disorders , such frequencies are altered and breaks the harmony . Using the acoustic resonance phenomenon is possible to change these patterns altered frequency , thereby encouraging appropriate sound or music .
Since the German physicist Hans Jenny published his findings based on research of the effects of sound waves on various materials , and checking the change in the organization of the particles that were different shapes , sound science has proven conclusively , that any sound near the human body, will cause a physical change within the agency and its electromagnetic fields
These sounds perfectly in tune around the body of the person to treat, and its vibrational frequency affects the cellular level releasing negative energy patterns encapsulated in the body and mind. It acts on the waves
brain and whole body resonates , producing a deep relaxation , reducing heart and respiratory rates , causing them to produce endorphins , which inhibit pain and produce a feeling of comfort.
On the other hand, most people do not emit certain sound frequencies in your voice. This deficiency is related to physical or emotional stress , and chronic diseases and potential . When you provide the missing frequencies , the body is finely tuned recovering its natural rhythms and harmony.
The music and singing are very healing . It has been demonstrated with practical experience and the correspondence between musical tones , color, planetary frequencies , the atomic weights of the elements and the human energy system .
Within the sound therapy tools are some who charge for their invaluable high vibration. And here we will show the most important, or rather those who already know or with whom we worked , in order to facilitate the fullest possible information for those interested in experimenting with this therapy is having a powerful media at this time. While it is true that these are used therapeutically instrumental effects also have spiritual or mystical level .
The quartz bowls
Modern Biology begins to recognize that many substances and tissues of the human body have the same properties as liquid crystals. The American physician and researcher at Ryerson says , exist in the physical body and subtle bodies in several quartz -like crystalline structures that amplify the positive outcome of the vibrational therapy . The cell salts , fatty tissue , lymph, red and white blood cells and the pineal gland , are crystalline structures that form a complete system in the body , so that the human being could say it is a " glass alive. " Our DNA is a double spiral structure similar to the quartz crystal. There are four molecules of silica in each of our teeth, and is also present in the liquid cristalocoloidal structure of the brain. Silica , which is quartz ( silicon oxide ) , is abundant in bone , blood , hair , skin , nails , teeth .
pineal gland calcifications whose turn it into a real glass, is one of the most therapeutic benefits because it leverages speaking channel which links the medulla oblongata and the coccyx encouraging practices such as meditation. In fact , it has been shown that this gland plays an important role as a "biological clock" to divide the day and night, property you even more closer to the quartz crystal that
widely used in the watch industry without forgetting that the heart of our beloved computer ( microprocessor) is a chip of pure quartz.
The curative action of the bowls is due to the resonance between their crystal structure and lattice own human body , but the bowls generate a sinusoidal wave pattern that resonates with the particles with which it comes into contact , either human body or any other matter .
The healing effect of sound generated by the quartz bowls on the body , occurs in resonance both crystal systems. The sound profoundly affects the cerebral hemispheres. In fact you can combine certain sounds , called bineurales , to achieve harmonization which affects the spine and spreads to the cells, fluids and organs.
Jeffrey Thompson , director Neuroacústicas Research Center at the Institute of Human Sciences of California , said: "Given that sound travels five times better for water than by air stimulation in the body of the sound frequency is a very effective full body stimulation , especially at the cellular level . The direct stimulation of living cellular tissue using the vibration of the sound frequency, has shown marked cellular metabolism and thus the possible mobilization of a cellular response of healing
The sound transmitted by the quartz bowls is so pure that the mere act of making them sound becomes a sacred act. This sound, "almost divine, " expands around and travels through space to reach the ends of the earth to interfere with other sound waves in its path . Thus healthy people and healthy environment.
In any case, the therapist who uses this tool has a great responsibility and must be in a state of positive consciousness farm nestled in the heart so that the energy emitted and amplified to be as pure as possible.
The American scientist Marcel Vogel also find that the electromagnetism of human thought fit the matrix formed in the molecular structure of quartz and programming that allows one's thought ( it is surprising that already in the puranas , vedas ancient texts of India, stated that the quartz crystal can amplify the thoughts up to 15,000 times).
quartz bowls , then, contain a power that goes far beyond mere musicianship and requires awareness of both our openness to be perceived as proper disposition and intention to use. In fact , they produce a pure sine wave and create a multidirectional sound expands to a mile away and may take several minutes before dying . And the sound envelops the body like a wave providing an experience similar to a massage extremely subtle or profound and calm meditation.
quartz bowls emit and induce an alpha wave pattern is emitted from the brain into states of deep meditation and calm. And it has been shown that in these states is a significant increase in the production of T lymphocytes responsible for the immune system.
The sound of the bowls , then we see , affects the individual overall . First balance your energy body and chakras (energy centers ) and then clears the auric field . Furthermore , the vibration affects the column acting as a vehicle of resonance and extends through the nervous system to our cells , tissues and organs. That is why the vibration produced by the bowls have the ability to dissolve blockages in the physical body and subtle as it is used in cases of muscle contractures , fractures and other bone problems . The vibration of the bowls resonates and harmonizes the crystal structure also present in our skeleton .
It is the oldest wind instrument known. Originally a eucalyptus branch hollowed longitudinally and naturally by termites. The aborigines of Australia have used in their rituals, festivals and as a means of healing. It can have a constant ringing , called drone , rhythmic and varied. Its vibration transmitted, above all the earth energy and connection with nature. It has a great resonance and harmonic emits extremely sharp , high purity. Their sound is more concentrated and also very lightweight, making it more manageable in therapy sessions, in which vibration is applied along the patient's body.
In its structure a singing bowl is very similar to quartz bowl with the prepared material difference .
Tibetan bowls were made by an alloy of seven metals that corresponded to the planets and
wooden mallet. It has a history known on the V century A. C. and a softer sound but also very high , and perhaps less intense than his brother quartz bowl . Its origin is centered in the Mongolian Schamane but there is not much documentation to guarantee this belief. Have been used for centuries for therapeutic and spiritual because the sounds they produce an alignment in the physical body and subtle, but to some experienced hands can reach altered states of consciousness.
Singing bowls have an unmistakable effect on people . Because of this, is increasingly used for therapeutic purposes.
Always listen to a dear friend who told me "singing is like praying a thousand times "and now is when I understand the meaning of your statement, you just have to dare and SING !
WHAT ARE OLD Solfeggio Frequencies ?
Here transcribe a large part of the lecture delivered by musician Carlos Laza that explains very well what are the Solfeggio frequencies .
"It's a technique that over time has almost lost frequencies were given, to our knowledge, in Gregorian chants and special effects produced in both singing as attending church services, an effect that even arrived worrying both church hierarchies that time have been virtually lost. "
Such as the great hymn to San Juan Bautista , and other hymn is believed that when they sang these songs was taught a special blessing and grace that helped the development of Christian rituals . The frequencies contained in these songs were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleocomo and described in the book by Leonard Horowitz. It is a blessing for all mankind the work they have developed these two people to return the treasure of these frequencies.
Solfeggio Frequencies include six frequencies.
"These six frequencies that come from the hymn to San Juan Bautista , where in each of the first syllables of each word that began this hymn ( the singers ) gave the pitch that were later called the Solfeggio frequencies . These first syllable had the characteristic that each of them was in a
tone higher than those before him and also ending in a vowel thus giving the opportunity to be sung very well. The double feature that has to have taken the music and having structured , to some extent gave us the result that we parted on one side of this music , called Solfeggio frequency , which was constituted in such a way that is very well connected with all that was the spiritual part . "
The names of musical notes are derived from the poem , UT blocker prophylaxis of Friulian Benedictine monk Paul the Deacon , as mentioned specifically in the initial syllables of the Hymn to St. John the Baptist.
The phrases of this hymn , in Latin, are as follows:
UT blocker prophylaxis
fibris Resonare
Look gestorum
tuorum Famuli
Solve polluti
reatum labii
Sancte Ioannes
And in Spanish it means:
UT: : for
blocker resonare : can sing
gestorum look : of miracles
famuli tuorum means your servants
fibris prophylaxis : a full-throated
Sancte Johannes : San Juan
solve reatum : dissolves sins
polluti labii : unclean lips
The monks of old sang "a capella" sacred poem :
1 - UT- blocker prophylaxis
2 - RE- sonare fibris
3 - MI- Ra gestorum
4 - FA- muli tuorum
5 - SOL- Ve polluti
6 - LA- O biireatum
From there he took the names of the musical scale , and subsequently transformed the UT in C and Si was added as 7 note:
7 - SI- Sancte Iohannes
"The Gregorian chant handled these frequencies, and therefore these choirs performed miraculous healings between monks and parishioners who heard them.
It was music that liberated something inside the body , even within the sequence that was later
discovered about the structure of the universe , there is talk that these six frequencies are rigged with what the primary sequence of emanation , like geometric structure for the creation of the universe , or we are talking about something incredibly significant . "
"Today the note is tuned to 440 Hz cycles per second and at that time was working at 415 was gradually rising to 430 and until we reach 440 today , but unfortunately here we were separating frequency original , the original frequency that is not originally the UT set initially at 396 HZ Do not really like was raised , he got this name but the real Do you work today is closer to 528 which is the Mi This is the note of the transformation even as engineers use today's genetic engineers , biochemists to repair DNA structures that are broken , that is through radionics almost exposing the structure of DNA . These sounds we see can be restructured , then we are talking about something that is really life, our life and there is not only our planet but in this universe. "
"The music has not been made as we understand it today just like music for hearing, but was meant to be understood by the inner ear to the soul and is what we are really understanding , thank God, with this approach Solfeggio frequencies also have some fantastic pictures have been measured according to the method of the famous Japanese Doctor Masaru Emoto . Dr. Emoto water crystals examined with the understanding that love and gratitude have a powerful impact on the appearance of water molecules . As we know , water works consciously responding quickly to prayer for purification, and as we are made mostly of water , our bodies also resonate in harmony with Solfeggio frequency vibrating with LOVE and purification. "
"We're really talking about these six frequencies are not talking about more frequencies but it has done a study which can be reached by sympathy , other three frequencies . Making appropriate permutations we realize that the sum of these digits always a figure 3, 6 and 9 and these figures and great mystics and scientists including Nikola Tesla , who came to say that when we become aware of what they really mean the meaning of the numbers 3, 6 and 9 would have the key to the universe , Ie we are talking about something that complements between the sacred geometry or tetrahedral structure of the star tetrahedron that generates incredible that a whole pattern is the pattern which is associated with the emanation of creation along with the frequencies , we gives a really powerful element of creation not only stabilize but also oneself to be exposed to these frequencies either hear or sing sounds ourselves, once we get the frequency to be able to recreate our bodies are vibrating at a level incredibly high. "
Then we see the relationship of the Solfeggio frequencies with different points of the chakras and they are used.
UT: 396 Hz - Frequency to release fear and guilt
RE : 417 Hz - Frequency to undo situations and facilitating change
MI: 528 Hz - Frequency of transformation and miracles.
DNA Repair
FA: 639 Hz - Frequency for the connection and relationships
SOL: 741 Hz - Frequency for the awakening of intuition
LA: 852 Hz - Frequency to return to the spiritual order
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"To truly work each of the frequencies, and what we could produce in different parts of the body as well with the chakras, when it interacts frequently against them at the same time remember that the body has its own resulting vibrational or we're talking about a meeting between all that we are about something that comes to balance and balance is the key word in this system , balance, balance to my mind, we are living in a totally unbalanced , unbalanced, is something really serious because the buildings we make, the life we are totally unbalanced are totally out of code and see the results the person suffering depression disease disorders , which really would not come to what you have to actually live in this experience, that would really enjoy the journey. "
And here I fully agree , that our life experience is really enjoying everything given to us .
And here are some tunes on the different frequencies Solfeggio
Solfeggio Frequency 396Hz UT = OJ : to release fear and guilt
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Solfeggio Frequency 528 Hz = MI: for the transformation and miracles. DNA Repair
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Solfeggio Frequency 417 Hz = RE : for processing. Transmutation
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Frequency = 741 Hz SOL : Expansion of consciousness
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Solfeggio Frequency 852 Hz = LA: Intuition, spiritual order back to
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We have at our disposal a wonderful tool, which we use for our own growth , healing, harmonizing , to us to use. then seize the opportunity that gives us this knowledge, maybe it's time we return to the practices of healing that of our ancestors and let anxiety and stress filled life , violence , deception and frustration and we sit and listen to the beat of our heart, rhythmic vibration of the quartz bowl , or just sing and sing ! , but one thing is certain : peace is a road that is taking the first step, and as I always say s decision is yours.
Carlos Laza
Amelia Lamaignere
Robert Goodman
Xavier Bellon
Across the Mirror .
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Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~
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Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)
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"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."
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