Peace for the Soul

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President Obama Would Rather Kill Palestinians than Feed American Children

By Mohamed Khodr* | Sabbah Report |


"No matter what happens "the Arabs will be blamed….American cowardice – in the face of the immensely powerful Jewish lobby in the US – has produced a situation in which Washington remains supinely silent while Mr. Netanyahu, according to the Israeli paper Yediot Ahronot, threatens to "burn Washington", should President Bill Clinton attempt to force Israel to accept a 13 per cent withdrawal from occupied Arab land."
- – Robert Fisk, The Independent, June 1, 1998


President Obama, your outrageous acceptance of Israel's extortion of $3 Billion worth of F-35 fighter planes along with other security and political guarantees for the mere acceptance of a 90 day "freeze" of settlements in the West Bank, which excludes East Jerusalem, is a slap to the honor and dignity of this nation, the sole superpower. That a rogue illegitimate small war crime of a nation can bring this superpower to its knees is proof that our leaders, government, institutions, media, and academia can be bought, sold, and intimidated by a few hundred thousand rich and powerful American Jews.

Pity the American people who ignorantly pay and die for Israel's wars while believing the lies and fear mongering chants of the Pro Israel criminal cabal that the Muslims and Iran seek to destroy this nation.


Shockingly, Mr. President, you have no political choice but to accept what Netanyahu dishes out against your person or against this nation having proclaimed that he has the ability to "move" this nation in the direction he sees fit.


Netanyahu during Bill Clinton's time threatened to "burn Washington" if Clinton continued to press him for small land concessions Israel already agreed to. In total exasperation Clinton said of Netanyahu: "he thinks he is the superpower and we are here to do whatever he requires."


Clinton is right. No U.S. President (brief exception President Eisenhower) has had the audacity of courage to stand up to Israel. The "special relationship" between Israel and the U.S. is summarized as followes: "Israel Demands, America Caves"


Several American, European, and world leaders have publicly stated that ending Israel's bloody and inhumane occupation and treatment of millions of Palestinians will go a long way to ending terrorism. But not even the loss of American lives, both civilian and military, due to terrorism is enough to stiffen the cowardly spine of our political leaders.


Since 1948 U.S. Jews and Israel have "threatened", yes, threatened our national leaders electorally, via withholding campaign donations, or using the media to smear and harass them to ensure Israel's continuous extortions are met. Mr. Obama,despite your hollow and hypocritical rhetoric that resolving the Israeli Palestinian conflict is in our national interest, Israel has continued to insult and thumb its nose at you which inexplicably you submit to in silence.


No, Mr. President, on Israel your policy thus far has been of "can't" and no "change". As long as our government keeps Americans uninformed about Israel's detriment and high cost to our national interest and deficits, we will continue paying for Israel's wars and withdrawals.


Everyone now realizes that freeing the Palestinians from Israel's brutal occupation will undermine the main cause of terrorism and animosity against this nation.


Israel as its custom will never live up to any agreement or withdrawal commitment. It will continue to drag any so called peace process until it completes annexation and ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians. It will continue to demand more tax dollars, more weapons for more wars, and expect our nation to continuously block any criticism of its inhuman policies. How much will it cost the American people for the next 90 days and the succeeding 90 days? If there is ever a peace agreement how much will that cost our nation in debt?


In Israel's hands F-35 fighter jets, the most modern fighter planes, can only serve one purpose — Kill more Palestinian and Lebanese children. These are killing machines given as a bribe for Israel to meet its International obligations of halting construction of illegal settlements and cooperate in serving its sole benefactor's national interest in the Middle East and the Muslim world as it continues to fight two wars.


Israel has never given a damn about a single American life, should anyone be so foolish and stupid to believe it cares about an Arab child?


Listen to its racist leaders across the political and religious spectrums who believe that the sole purpose of Gentiles is to serve the interest of Jews or die.


Does our constant caving in to Israel honor our nation, our national interest, our killed soldiers in the region, our Constitution, or we the people of this nation? Let us feed America's hungry and not feed Israel's appetite for genocides.


President Obama, your submissiveness to the stronger Netanyahu is of your own making. You are owned by America's powerful Jewish cabal. You surrounded yourself by appointing U.S. Jews with dual loyalties, primarily to Israel, to every important governmental post. Jews in Congress control the most powerful Committees that deal with foreign affairs, homeland security, and intelligence. Eric Cantor (R-VA), like his congressional tribesman and akin to former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich, met with Netanyahu to assure him that he can count on Congressional allegiance to Israel to thwart any potential presidential policy that Israel rejects.


The funny thing about such an allegiance is that it's unwarranted given, Mr. Obama, your own deep personal allegiance to Israel and kosher Wall Street.


You would rather send billions of dollars of killing weapons that offensively violate America's laws than send such money to feed hungry American children blocks from your resident.


Israel has much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.


* Mohamed Khodr is a political activist who frequently writes on the plight of Palestinians living under the brutal occupation of Israel, U.S. Foreign Policy, Islam, and Arab politics.


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I totally disagree with you. America is not the hostage of American Jews nor of Israel. We are a progressive enterprising country. I would like to ask you what exactly all of the Arab countries with the riches from oil have done for the Palestinian people. Have they built you a University? Have they seen to it that your children get a good education and not just preaching from an illiterate imam.? Instead they send guns and weapons. Why do you suppose this is? It is so Iran can wait until you have given up hope and then have an excuse to try and make war with Israel.
Why do you hate the Jews? They have done nothing but return to their country and rebuild it. Christians have not always been good to the Jews and now we have eliminated a dictator in Iraq and are attempting to protect Afghanistan from terrorists and extreme Islamic zealots know as the Taliban. We in the USA send aid to every country in need. President Obama has reached out to the Islamic and Arabic world more than any other USA President. We are not taking sides and if we do not stand up for Israel who will? The EU are falling apart because they have not tried very hard to assimilate the many immigrants who came to them to escape the radicals of other countries. Now the EU wants non-citizens to go somewhere else, even after they have lived in the EU for over 3 generations.
Entertainment + Education + Prosperity = Peace
I am very much in favor of a separate country for the Palestinians. Again I am not sure why your wealthy Arab friends are not doing more for you. They have built artificial islands in Dubai and they could do the same there. The land is not what is so important the people are and until they decided to do something positive with their energy I feel sorry for Israel because they never know when some radical, in a place that doesn't seem capable of maintaining security, is going to cause trouble. Israel has contributed a great deal to the World. Meanwhile the Palestinians and many of Islamic faith are trying to live as they did 2,000 years ago. IT will not work. Only modern technology can provide the world with prosperity. Oh by the way, it would sure help if you treated your women better. We do not believe in sending women and children as suicide martyrs. Allah is love not hate. I did not agree with either the war in Afghanistan or Iraq but since they were started we can not just leave.

16 Jul 2010

America Is A Thing You Can Move Very Easily'

Especially today, with America. I know what America is. America is ...

'America is a thing you can move very easily'


I hate no Jews. I honor and respect them, especially as German. But there must be given truth and justice.

I disagree. Most of what I say is less biased than what you say. I will give you points for defining the difference between Jews and Zionism but let's take it in context. From the time that the New Israel was put in place, as a counterbalance to the Holocaust, Arabs and Palestinians were against it and some, not all were determined to destroy it.

Since wikileaks, we now know that even some of our Arab allies would like for the USA or some other non-Arab entity to put an end to nuclear weapons if and when Iran acquires them. Iran is more of a threat to Middle East Peace than Israel.

Again I have to point out that wealthy Arab nations have contributed more to  weapons than to establishing better education and economic opportunity for the Palestinians. I suppose they feel that whatever government is there is totally unable to  maintain security so why invest?

What you have said about America and foreign aid is true to a certain degree but most of the criticism is hurled against us by people who are unwilling to admit that the people in many of the countries we have sent aid to were corrupt and the non-political people did nothing to put them out of business because they did not have enough education to know that no dictator can triumph over the consolidated citizens. You ignore the good done, especially by USA NGOs.

Tell me what great and wonderful things China has done for the International world. They make sure that they benefit the most in every agreement they solidify and prefer to work with dictators more than democracies. They also are known for populating most of their International projects with their own people and hiring very few of the locals.

China is moving slowly away from the old USSR days but they still have a long ways to go.

Again I have to say that the only real way to Peace on Earth is economic development and secular education worldwide. We have many in the EU and USA that are now falling back on isolationism in response to the economic downturn. We need to see the rest of the world develop so we can expand our customer base. I would like to see a world where we do not place tariffs on imports to protect domestic businesses and where people in business do not try to get out of paying taxes. We have a long way to go on this.

Dearest Christine, Living in Australia I can see that you are a very romantic person. You are romantic about solving the world's problems.
You also seem to run in and out of history as it suits you. Let me remind you that the Jewish people originated in Israel. There were many battles over Jerusalem. In medieval Europe Jews were forced to wear letters to announce to everyone that they were Jews. The major reason that Jews wound up in Europe was there escape from barbaric Arabs in the Middle East. Reuters, just last week, reported that a "credible" member of Hamas said they would never accept the State of Israel. Now that is not a group that peace can be negotiated with. In order to live in peace all parties to the agreement must be resigned to give up some things and agree to common treaties or laws that protect minorities.
Let me get more specific. Jerusalem is not going to be split. The Palestinians living in Jerusalem thus become minorities.
If there are Jews living in Palestine (once the state is officially created) they would be a minority. Minority populations abide by the laws of the land they live in but should be protected from mob rule by the majority.
You said what a wonderful thing China has done for the world. While I have many friends in China, at the same time I do not agree with everything the China government does. You are outspoken about Palestine but say nothing of how China has taken over Tibet and totally ruined the area. A once peaceful remote country that is considered by most of the World to be the center of Spiritual Enlightenment is now overrun with brothels, bars, and Han Chinese because the China government needs more and more room for the exploding population. Where is the outrage by the World for Tibet? The EU is now throwing all minority populations out because of an economic downturn. Where is your outrage for how these poor people are treated. Some of these people have spent 3 generations in Europe. They lived in slums compared to the elite majority but those slums were better than the conditions they had in the countries they came from.
So don't be telling me that nobody hates Jews because both here in the USA and in many other parts of the world there are still people who hate Jews. Hate happens when fear happens. What motivates EU to try and eliminate these people? Fear. They are afraid the economy is about to collapse. There are still people who remember how bad it was during WWII. They are insecure with China, Russia, and the USA. With the fall of the USSR, the European countries were afraid of the power that the USA might have so they decided to try and solve the problem by establishing the EU. Now Russia has just announced that they will attempt to create a Federation from the former Soviet bloc countries. Both the EU and a Russian Federation make as much sense as the UK which you in Australia are a part of. Perhaps in Australia you have a hard time understanding neighbors since you live on an Island. Up until WWI and to a lesser extent WWII the USA was a sort of isolated place. We always got along great with Canada although we always had some tension with Mexico. As the victors in WWII, America could have quite easily told Europe to solve their own problems. We paid a high price to eliminate Hitler and since the Germans elected him in the first place it was their problem. Yes we could have done that. What we did instead was to help Europe recover through the Marshall Plan. There were Americans that were helping Japan to recover too.
So what does any of this have to do with peace in the Middle East? Status Quo is alive and well in all regions of the World. Rebelling against the status quo rarely works. In order to bring peace you must show the status quo how the arrangement will work for them. Policing and prisons are costing more each year too. It is usually the status quo that pays for this one way or the other. If people want low taxation then they must work to create economic opportunity at all levels and establish affordable or free education for all people with the intelligence to take advantage of education.
For the minority population that have serious challenges to being successful at formal education we must do the best we can. Just because a person has Autism does not mean they have to be totally useless. At the same time we must understand that we can not totally burden other children with radical behavior of children with mental and biological issues that are highly disruptive in traditional classrooms. My answer to most poverty is online education free to those who can not afford it. Until we eliminate all dictatorships and have all people able to read and write in some language by the time they are 16 we will have a very hard time achieving peace. Today we have a clash between technologically adept countries and peoples; and those who have been held back through myths and forced slavery or near slavery.
Through this technology we can feed all people in the world and once everyone can read and join in Internet communications, they have a better opportunity to change their economic status. Very few people, even in the USA, go from totally poor to millionaire. More frequently we have parents that are poor who send their kids to a public school and insist they make good grades. Those kids can get scholarships and loans to go to college. In some cases they only go to community college for 2 years and then to work. After college when people have their own kids they see to it they go to the best colleges and get introduced to the captains of industry. In the USA most millionaires came after 3 - 4 generations of gradual improvement. The highly emotional fighting that is now poisoning American politics is again born out of fear. After generations of Americans have worked hard believing in the American dream some, but not all, of the millionaires and billionaires have sold them down the river in their haste to invest in China, India, etc. because they really want slavery. These greed-addicted people have lost sight of what Henry Ford said when he paid the first workers of Ford $5 a day. At the time it was 2-3 times more than other workers and he was called crazy by the Greedy Capitalists.
His words then are as true today. He told his critics that his workers would also be his customers. We are all in the World boat together. I want to see prosperity in all the world and at all economic levels.
Love & Peace, Deborah


Jews,Palestines. Deborah,Christine "we can walk together as sisters and brothers or must perish together as fools" Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. Can we please dance the polarity away? sincerely...


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