Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

Ravishankar.G's Blog (137)

Unique!!! - English is a Divine Language...How....Enjoy the Nugget by M.K.Ramanujam

Dear All,

On 19th May 2011, Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji gave darshan and lectured in a divine congregation organized in a wonderful private lawn of a…

Added by Ravishankar.G on June 25, 2011 at 2:00am — No Comments

Alexander and in his last Moments....

Dear All,

Alexander the Great, powerful warrior, powerful hero. He conquered practically half of the world and entered into the plains of Punjab . And then, as he was continuing his conquest into India , all of a sudden, he was struck by a deadly disease. Practically 60% of his army was struck by that disease. And that disease was Malaria. And he was telling his doctors, “Help me. Save me.” But they could not do anything. And in fact, it is described…


Added by Ravishankar.G on June 14, 2011 at 1:10pm — No Comments

Story - Think positive thoughts. Speak positive words

Dear All,

Good morning to all of u and have a divine blessed day ahead …..

Think positive thoughts.

Speak positive words.

Do positive things.

Positive thoughts birth positive words.

Positive words birth Positive deeds.

Positive deeds birth positive seeds.

Seeds of wealth,health,love,joy and peace. Seeds that will produce a harvest of positive fruits promised to increase.

Fruits of love ,joy,peace and health.


Added by Ravishankar.G on June 11, 2011 at 3:01am — 3 Comments

Questions:I am trying hard to quit smoking, but I am not able to. Please suggest me a way.......& Many more....

Dear All,

                                                                                   Smart Business Strategy

An elderly businessman distributed all his business affairs amongst his sons and daughters and went into retirement. Soon he noticed some evil forces rearing their heads in the business and good forces losing ground. So, he got back into the business full time and destroyed the evil forces and saved the good forces. Not only that, he also… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on May 29, 2011 at 2:13am — No Comments

Question: Why is our mother considered as God? & Many more Answers from H.H Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji.......

Dear All,

Good morning to all of u and have a divine blessed day ahead …..

Why is our mother considered as God?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

Not only your mother; your father and Acharya are also considered God. Since you have come from her, she is your creator. So she is the visible God to you.


How do we differentiate thoughts that emanate from the mind and those that rise from the… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on May 17, 2011 at 2:41pm — No Comments

Questions:In any field such as sports or study etc.,generally practice makes one perfect. But in spiritual practices...?

Dear All,

In any field such as sports or study etc., generally practice makes one perfect. But in spiritual practices such as chanting the divine names of God, it seems like a never- ending practice and struggle. We do perceive any quick progress. Is there an easy way of reaching this goal of life and witnessing the results within a short period of time in spiritual practice?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

Let us take the example of three… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on May 3, 2011 at 2:33pm — No Comments

Benefits of Japa - (Continuous Chanting of a Mantra)

Dear All,

Japa (repetition of the mantra checks the force of the thought current moving towards objects. It forces the mind to move towards God, towards the attainment of eternal bliss. Eventually it helps us to have the vision of God. The mantra-power is hidden in every mantra. Whenever the spiritual aspirant shows lack of vigour in his sadhana (practice), the mantra sakti (power of the mantra) reinforces the sadhana sakti (energy) of the aspirant. Constant and prolonged repetition of… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on April 24, 2011 at 4:21am — No Comments

Significance of Married Life- Swami Sivananda

Dear All,

What is the central, root note in the message to the world, to all beings today? To my mind, the central note of divine life is, "Remember, the goal of your life is to realize God."

You have come here to somehow or other attain God-vision and become blessed. That is the meaning of life. That is the purpose of life. That is the great duty on earth. That is what makes a human being a human being, and this central message of divine life is to be followed in all stages… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on April 3, 2011 at 2:07am — No Comments


Dear All,

Good morning to all of u and have a divine blessed day ahead …..

Namadwaar performs special prayers for the hundreds of souls that have lost their lives in the deadly earthquake that hit the coast of Japan. Our heartfelt prayers also go out to the tens of thousands stranded brothers and sisters that have lost their…


Added by Ravishankar.G on March 13, 2011 at 1:03am — No Comments

This 2 Shall Pass..----. A Beautiful Story

Dear All,

Good morning to all of u and have a divine blessed day ahead …..

This is an wonderful story. Thought to share with my friends...and I am sure all with enjoy reading this.




Once a King called upon all his wise men and asked them,"Is  there a mantra or suggestion which works in every situation, in every circumstance, in every place and in every time. Something which can help  me when none of you is available to… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on March 3, 2011 at 3:49pm — 1 Comment

Source: Question & Answers from The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Edited by David Godman.

Dear All,

Mrs. Piggot.: What diet is suitable for a person engaged in spiritual practice?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: Sattvic food in moderate quantities.

Mrs. Piggot.: What food is sattvic?

Sri Ramana Maharshi: Bread, fruit, vegetables, milk and such things.

Mrs. Piggot.: Some people in the North eat fish. Is that permissible?

To this question Bhagavan did not… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on February 26, 2011 at 3:36am — No Comments

Swami Sivananda About Silence (Mouna)

Dear All,

Good morning to all of u and have a divine blessed day ahead.....

Use measured words in talking. Do not talk much. Try to finish a conversation within a few minutes. Understand the nature of the man rightly. When he enters your office or house for an interview, speak politely and with great respect for the man. Then send him away immediately and conserve your energy.

Do not indulge in long unnecessary talks and discussions. Man is a social animal. He… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on February 18, 2011 at 1:00am — No Comments

GOD EXISTS By Swami Sivananda - Part-1

Dear All,

Every breath that flows in the nose,

Every beat that throbs in the heart,

Every artery that pulsates in the body,

Every thought that arises in the mind,

Speaks to you that God is near.

Every flower that wafts fragrance,

Every fruit that attracts you,

Every gentle breeze that blows,

Every river that smoothly flows,

Speaks of God and His mercy.

The vast ocean with its powerful waves,

The Mighty Himalayas with… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on February 12, 2011 at 2:05am — 1 Comment

Swami Sivananda About Fear

Dear All,

Good evening to all of u and have a divine blessed day ahead …..

Man creates trouble and misery for himself. Give up all sorts of fears.

Stand up like a lion. Draw courage from within. There are many people who are so timid that they will not move around at night. Even when they see a cat at night, they tremble. What a shame.

They are embodiments of timidity. There are some sanyasins (monks) who repeat: "SHIVOHAM SHIVOHAM" ("I am Siva") - but they… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on February 5, 2011 at 4:20am — No Comments

Swami Sivananda Proves Existence of God by the study of mind and its functions

Dear All,


Good evening to all of u and have a divine blessed day ahead….. 


Unless there exists one continuous principle equally connected with the past, present and future, or an absolutely unchangeable Self which cognizes everything, we are unable to account for remembrance,recognition and so on, which are subject to mental impression on place,time and cause. The Self is distinct from and superior to ideas, because the ideas require an ultimate principle which unites… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on January 30, 2011 at 2:48am — No Comments

Swami Sivananda Proves Existence Of God Through Facts About This Physical Body

Dear All,

Good morning to all of u and have a divine blessed day ahead …..

The insentient engine of a railway train cannot move without a qualified driver. Even so this insentient body-engine cannot move without an intelligent driver, who is God or Ishvar.From the existence of the body you can infer the existence of the hidden driver of the body-engine.

There is display of intelligence in every inch of creation. Who pumps blood into the arteries? Who converts food… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on January 25, 2011 at 3:45pm — No Comments

Question:We long for a female child. We are planning to adopt a female child instead of giving birth to one, as there are so...?

Dear All,

A hungry man comes home. He has so many diseases in his body that only a very few foods are non-allergic to him, given the amount of medication he is taking. In addition he has his own likes and dislikes in the matter of food. One has to feed him to satisfy his hunger, and at the same time, give him that food that tastes well to his taste buds, does no harm to his health and does not affect any medication that he is taking. Nama Kirtan is that spiritual diet that can be taken… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on January 22, 2011 at 4:34am — 2 Comments

Question:How do we know that we are in the right path or not in life ? and many more replies from H.H Muralidhara Swamiji....

Dear All,

"If you perform Maha Mantra Kirtan incessantly God will definitely appear before you one day."



Why are human beings punished for the acts of their previous births, when everything is pre-destined? What is the role of God here?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

The destiny simply decided based on the acts of the previous births. God is like a judge that administers justice in… Continue

Added by Ravishankar.G on January 15, 2011 at 3:18am — No Comments

Happy New Year and a Message by H.H. Sri.Sri.Muralidhara Swamiji

Dear all,

Good evening to all of u and have a divine blessed New Year 2011 ahead …..

If we take a look at the world around us, we have a million reasons to be proud about, as the amazing human race. After all, have we not landed on the Moon? Have we not sent Pathfinder to Mars? Gene-mapping and cloning have become a reality. Hats off to the exponential progress made in the realm of science!

Nevertheless, if we contemplate for a moment on the question, "Have…


Added by Ravishankar.G on December 31, 2010 at 2:00am — No Comments

What Christmas Means to me - Sri Swami Sivananda

Dear All,

Good evening to all of you and have a divine blessed "Merry Christmas and Love filled "Happy New Year"


Every year, millions of people all over the world celebrate the Holy Christmas. There are festivities and joyous celebrations, a lot of merry-making. People rejoice that Lord Jesus took birth in our midst about two thousand years ago.

It is certainly an event over which all humanity ought to be proud and jubilant. But it is essential, too, to…


Added by Ravishankar.G on December 25, 2010 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

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Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

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