A common space for harmonic peacemakers
Added by Dr. Sohiniben Shukla on May 9, 2016 at 3:00pm — No Comments
Photo : Philipp Borges,Vicentina, Perù, Enduring Spirit
"The relationship between mother and child is the foremost analogy used in developing compassion. According to the medieval Indian and Tibetan traditions, the traditional way of cultivating relative bodhicitta is to choose your mother as the first…
ContinueAdded by Luna Arjuna on May 8, 2016 at 4:27pm — No Comments
"I gave birth to one child, a son, but I have thousands of daughters.
You are Black and White, Jewish and Muslim, Asian, Spanish-speaking, Native American and Aleut.
You are fat and thin and
pretty and plain, gay and straight, educated and unlettered, and I
am speaking to you all." Maya Angelou. Happy Mother's Day!
The Angelou…
Added by Eva Libre on May 8, 2016 at 4:00pm — No Comments
Sometimes our thoughts have a need to turn to our heartfelt feelings. In my experience the heartfelt feeling never ever has a need to turn to our thoughts.
A person that never bothers to discover the feeling heart within will easily be bored. They require distraction to alleviate the boredom and hence the popularity of TV, mobile phones etc.
Boredom appears only because we have made no room for ourselves to be and dwell in the heart.
ContinueAdded by desmond dillon on May 6, 2016 at 3:30pm — 3 Comments
Your soul has wings and love is the ‘lift’ that gets you off the ground. Be not afraid to fly, you already know how to land. Affirm, "I am consciously present in every moment experiencing the Creator, as well as all levels of my inner truth. I live every moment in a lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations & everything flows in Divine Order & Peace with my blessings. I am consciously connected with the universe of the Creator. I trust the…
ContinueAdded by Steve Hutchinson on May 6, 2016 at 8:21am — No Comments
Clowns are you saying? Want to fool me? No. Not even fools they are. Rather idiots who call themselves Politician, but really are crazy. Forked people living in at least two worlds. Schizophrenia are and thoroughly corrupt and dishonest actually, the one vis-a-vis the promises and the most money. Foolishly they call those who do not take money also. Or the exposed or criticized, they call a clown or a fool by themselves. Would even call them a madman or idiot…
ContinueAdded by Floy Dy Ra on May 3, 2016 at 12:40pm — No Comments
Clowns sagst du? Willst du mich narren? Nein. Noch nicht einmal Narren waren das. Eher Idioten, die sich Poltiker nennen, aber eigentlich Verrückte sind. Gespaltene Menschen,die in mindestens zwei Welten leben. Schizophren sind die und durch und durch korrupt und verlogen eigentlich, demjenigen gegenüber der ihnen das meiste Geld verspricht. Närrisch nennen sie den, der das nicht macht. Oder der sie entlarvt oder kritisiert, den nennen sie einen Clown, oder einen Narren. Würd…
ContinueAdded by Floy Dy Ra on May 3, 2016 at 12:37pm — No Comments
Willy Brand brachte den Deutschen
durch den symbolischen Kniefall wieder Respekt
Merkel tut Erdogan den Gefallen
wegen seines geschmähten Geschlechts
ermächtigt die Klage gegen Satiriker Böhmermann
in unseren eigenen heiligen Hallen
während in der Türkei Gefängnistore
gegen die Meinungsfreiheit zu fallen
den Visa-Deal über die vielen Milliarden
den baden doch nur die Flüchtlinge aus, seit Jahren
Added by Floy Dy Ra on May 3, 2016 at 12:20pm — No Comments
LAUTER Nasen, sage ich, LAUTER....
mit einem TRÄNENDEN Mund
DUFT der meine Ohren erreicht,
durfte duftende DÜFTE vom HÖRENsagen kennen
MÜNDige Augen riefen nach LAUTERen Nasen,
die leise niesten, bis DUFTende Ohren wieder HÖRTEN
SEHENde Augen wieder glänzten und
LAUTer Nasen wieder leise wurden,
bis NICHTS mehr zu HÖREN war
OHRen sich verschlossen und
MÜNDer LAUTem Schweigen entsagten.…
Added by Floy Dy Ra on May 3, 2016 at 12:14pm — No Comments
LOUD noses, I say LOUD ....
with a watering MOUTH
FRAGRANCE reaches my EARS,
allowed byHEARsaying scented FRAGRANCE
Mature EYES called for fair noses,
which sneezed quietly until FRAGRANT ears again HEARD
SIGHTed EYES shone again and
LOUD noses were silent oncemore,
until NOTHING was to HEAR
EARS were locked and
MOUTHS silence were LOUD renounced.
All rights…
Added by Floy Dy Ra on May 3, 2016 at 12:10pm — No Comments
Willy Brandt brought the Germans
by the symbolic kotau respect again
Merkel does Erdogan a favor
for his maligned sex
authorized the lawsuit against satirist Böhmermann
in our own hallowed halls
while in Turkey prison gates
to fall against the freedom of expression
the Visa deal about the many billions
let swim only the refugees, but for years
but who succumbs to the pressure of despots
whose pressure is…
Added by Floy Dy Ra on May 3, 2016 at 12:00pm — No Comments
Past is the tool to hone the present for an undreamt future BUT avoidance of past is a EGO…
ContinueAdded by Ramsai Karri on May 3, 2016 at 6:18am — No Comments
When the one Benign Consciousness tore itself with a “Aaaau” from being nothing in loneliness to form undefined plasma in the…
ContinueAdded by Ramsai Karri on May 2, 2016 at 4:25am — No Comments
"Meditation is not a matter of trying to achieve ecstasy, spiritual bliss, or tranquility, nor is it attempting to be a better person. It is simply the creation of a space in which we are able to expose and undo our neurotic games, our self-deceptions, our hidden fears and hopes."
Chogyam Trungpa…
Added by Nada Jung on May 1, 2016 at 4:52pm — 3 Comments
Once in a while
I just let time wear on
leaning against a
solitary pine
standing speechless,
as does the whole universe!
Ah, who can share
this solitude with me?
- Ryokan
Added by Luna Arjuna on April 29, 2016 at 8:04am — 2 Comments
we have lived with the misery of mind
we have deep holes in our very hearts
no god will ever come on earth, ever
lets mould ourselves to the very best
who needs god, we are our creators
lets adopt the very blanket of creation
lets punch the darkness till…
Added by Ramsai Karri on April 29, 2016 at 7:32am — 2 Comments
you bathed me as your dreams
clothed me weaving your fears
taught me the art of balancing life
with soft rotis & hard tight slaps
when words eluded my worldview
your lovely eyes became the voice
years have rolled like mist & fog
yet crisp as the dawn is still YOU
‘times i wonder, do i truly love you…
Added by Ramsai Karri on April 28, 2016 at 10:17am — 2 Comments
Remember, whatever you are
experiencing outside is but
issues you never addressed
in sync with the conventional
inside the precinct of yourself
It doesn’t matter if you are correct
if your intent is to change the other
I know ‘no’ hence ‘yes’ followed (neti)
embrace the void and be born again…
Added by Ramsai Karri on April 27, 2016 at 9:39am — No Comments
I am an EM~path! EM—electro~magnetic radiation—! The PATH knows the WAY & the ROAD is aware of its DESTINATION & the GOAL this is the JOURNEY!
Bodily AURA is our past history
Mindscape DREAMs present-tense
Spirit of the SOUL our future
EARTH our space craft oh…
Added by Ramsai Karri on April 26, 2016 at 11:30am — No Comments
Our godchildren in Nepal 2016 - 2017.
ContinueAdded by Lothar Seifert on April 24, 2016 at 4:09pm — No Comments
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We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.
Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~
Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely
Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)
She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."
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