Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

All Blog Posts (1,715)

Flood in Kashmir

Help Kashmir. Help Kashmir. Help Kashmir,

It is apeal to every nation of world, that please give some attention to the kashmir, which was hit by furious flood and cause lot of demage of lives and property, recently, there are lot of people still stranded in houses,, and there is lot of causality, which is not yet decleared, millions and millions people are victum of recent nature devastation, well we can not do anything who already died but can save millions of…


Added by Lothar Seifert on September 24, 2014 at 7:26pm — No Comments

citizens of the earth

Added by desmond dillon on September 13, 2014 at 5:00pm — No Comments

A Message From Spiritual Godly University....

Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 09-09-2014

Posted: 08 Sep 2014 01:30 PM PDT


Soul Sustenance 09-09-2014


Understanding The Mechanism Of The Virtue Of Peace (Part 3)

To experience the eternal peace of the soul world, I do the simple… Continue

Added by Dr. Sohiniben Shukla on September 10, 2014 at 1:31pm — No Comments

With Special Reference to Buddhism, Indian Viewpoint: Amalgamating Education and Psychology Indian Philosophy: A Cultural Blend of Education and Psychology*

आत्मानं सततं ज्ञात्वा कालं नय महामते | प्रारब्धमखिलं भुञ्जन्नोद्वेगं कर्तुमर्हसि –Naadabindupnishad [नादबिन्दूपनिषद्]

[Meaning thereby: “O intelligent man! Spend your life always in the knowing of the supreme bliss, enjoying the whole of your Prarabdha without making any…


Added by Dr. Ravindra Kumar on September 5, 2014 at 1:37pm — No Comments

salaam! peace be upon us yet

this is real peace music and i hope you like it.

Added by desmond dillon on August 19, 2014 at 4:30pm — No Comments

do not believe..


do not believe anything because you have heard it

or because it is spoken and rumoured by many

or because it is found written in religious books

or on the authority of your teachers and elders:

do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.

But after observation and analysis when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all then accept it and… Continue

Added by desmond dillon on August 13, 2014 at 1:09pm — 1 Comment

Our Wretched Jewish State — by Gideon Levy

Our Wretched Jewish State — by Gideon Levy

“Now we know: In the Jewish state, there is pity and humane feelings only for Jews, rights only for the Chosen People. The Jewish state is only for Jews.”  — Gideon Levy, Israeli correspondent for Haaretz…


Added by omar khayam on August 7, 2014 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

A Message From Emmanuel Dagher..........A Divine Clarion Call.......August Energies 2014...

A Divine Clarion Call

August 2014

My friend,

It’s an honor to connect with you in this way today.

Let’s open up our dialogue in a special way for this month’s forecast.

I invite you to close your eyes for a moment and focus on your sacred breath.

As you move into a state of relaxed breathing, gently place your…


Added by Dr. Sohiniben Shukla on August 6, 2014 at 4:13am — 1 Comment

The Gospel of Mrityu [Death]


Mrityuna Grastamakhilam Namarupatmakam Jagat!

Brahmantattvam Parigyaya Muchyate Yogasanshayah!!


“Mrityu [death] swallows the whole world [the universe] made of Maya [delusion]. This [world] is, in fact, the subject of desolation; it is fully within the ambit of fatality. Knowing reality of the Super Element through the Yoga is the remedy –to win the…


Added by Dr. Ravindra Kumar on July 21, 2014 at 1:24pm — No Comments



Go placidly amid the noise and haste,

and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible without surrender

be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;

and listen to others,

even the dull and the ignorant;

they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,

they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,

you may…


Added by Luna Arjuna on July 19, 2014 at 2:30am — No Comments


Mom, here comes the train ...!

I heard of a small village lost in the mountains of the north of Spain, where there was a train station, and it seems to be that there, the oldest of the village used to sit on the old wooden benches to remember old times and dream about the time when the nearby river was full of clean and clear water.

The train never stopped there, but for old people, it  was an incentive, in the evenings, to sit on the benches to see…


Added by Ana on July 13, 2014 at 6:55pm — No Comments

Today on July 6th, we are celebrating the 79th birthday of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Today on July 6th, millions around the world are celebrating the 79th birthday of one of the most recognizable icons of peace, hope and compassion: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

As a young leader in exile, His Holiness the Dalai Lama began a tireless journey to lead his people in their freedom struggle. In the past fifty years he has created a thriving exile community, built international support for Tibet, and inspired an entire generation of people of…


Added by Eva Libre on July 6, 2014 at 3:01pm — 2 Comments

Making Good of Human Life: The Spiritual

Humans have always felt perplexed by life’s mystery, its origin, meaning and finality. Especially, origin, meaning and purpose of human life have always remained vital subjects of discussion and analysis from the beginning. Theists and atheists, both, have for thousands of years been discussing these subjects continuously and comprehensively. Scholars have differently presented their respective arguments and conclusions on them. Their arguments, interpretations and conclusions have further…


Added by Dr. Ravindra Kumar on July 6, 2014 at 10:58am — 2 Comments





Cuando hable demasiado, cállame; pero hazlo

captando mi atención con tu mirada.

Mírame como el dios del amor

mira a su amada…


Added by Ana on July 1, 2014 at 10:15pm — No Comments

The Spaceship of Silence

The Spaceship of Silence





I want to travel in my Spaceship of Silence,

Where the machines of making dreams do not make a noise,

Where words keep  asleep

Waiting for…


Added by Ana on July 1, 2014 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

SAINT SKETCH - SRI RAMAKRISHNA PARMAHAMSA- LAST PART - Courtesy - Namadwaar. - The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna -Thursday, December 27, 1883

Dear All,

The parables of Sri Ramakrishna is world famous. With simple day-to-day illustrations he would explain high philosophies.


Mahendra Nath Gupta, the recoder of The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, records in his second visit of the Master -- 

M: "Sir, suppose one believes in God with form. Certainly He is not the clay image!"

Master (interrupting): "But why…


Added by Ravishankar.G on June 23, 2014 at 3:54am — No Comments

new YouTube video to share...



Added by David Sparenberg on June 16, 2014 at 8:22pm — No Comments


Quiero viajar en mi Nave del Silencio,

donde la máquina de hacer sueños

no haga ruido.

Donde dormiten las palabras

esperando que el silencio

las preñe de sentido.

Quiero viajar en mi Nave del Silencio,

y despertar cuando el proceso

de la Iluminación esté cumplido.

Cuando ni aun el amor…


Added by Ana on June 16, 2014 at 12:30pm — 5 Comments

This man became known as the Buddha.

Over 2,500 years ago, a man who had been searching for the truth for many, many lifetimes came to a quiet place in northern India and sat down under a tree. He continued to sit under the tree, with immense resolve, and vowed not to get up until he had found the truth. At dusk, it is said, he conquered all the dark forces of delusion; and early the next…


Added by Luna Arjuna on June 15, 2014 at 4:52pm — No Comments

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Quote of the moment:


* * *

Connect With Us!

We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.

Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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